Function Block variable not showing in variables list

Issue #25 closed
Thiago Alves created an issue

Steps to reproduce the problem

Create a blank project (or open the blank project attached here) and:

1) Add a button to the variables list at %QX0.0

2) Add a left power rail

3) Add a contact and associate with the button

4) Add a TON (and then you will see that the TON will not appear in the variables list)

5) Add an output to the variables list at %QX0.1

6) Add a coil and associate it with the output

7) Add a right power rail closing the circuit

8) Add a constant time (T#2000ms) for the PT input of TON0

The biggest problem is that if you compile the program (File -> generate), the final ST file doesn't have the TON on the list either and will fail after going through MatIEC Compiler:

PROGRAM My_Program


button AT %QX0.0 : BOOL;

output AT %QX0.1 : BOOL;


TON0(IN := button, PT := T#2000ms);

output := TON0.Q;




TASK TaskMain(INTERVAL := T#1ms,PRIORITY := 0);

PROGRAM Inst0 WITH TaskMain : My_Program;



The only way to make TON0 appear on the list is to hit Display->Refresh right after adding it to the diagram. If you don't do it right after and then compile the program, it won't appear anymore even after hitting Refresh.

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