Wrong section calculation in python extention if non-latin symbols are used

Issue #76 closed
Andrey Skvortsov created an issue


Open attached project and try to edit gray sections of python code. They are read-only. Remove comment in the header with Russian text and see that previously read-only section is available for editing now.

Comments (2)

  1. Andrey Skvortsov reporter

    Fix section styling in code editor (python and c extensions) if non-latin symbols are used in the code

    Problem exists even if non-latin characters are placed in comments. Close #76

    → <<cset 50fc08760225>>

  2. Andrey Skvortsov reporter

    Fix section styling in code editor (python and c extensions) if non-latin symbols are used in the code

    Problem exists even if non-latin characters are placed in comments. Close #76

    → <<cset c48470e2b383>>

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