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beremiz / How to run Beremiz on Windows

One of the simplest way to run Beremiz on Windows is to install Beremiz distro 1.2-rc1 from

This distro contains Python and all Python dependencies (such as python-wxgtk2.8 python-nevow python-matplotlib python-lxml and Pyro).

Also, distro contains pre-built matiec for Windows - iec2c.exe in folder "matiec", so you don't need to install flex, autoconf, build-essential and bison packages. This packages is used on Linux for compile/cross-compile matiec.

Install Beremiz distro, then append to your PATH environment variable paths to Python interpreter and MinGW binaries, something like:

D:\"Your Beremiz directory"\python;
D:\"Your Beremiz directory"\python\Scripts;
D:\"Your Beremiz directory"\python\Lib;
D:\"Your Beremiz directory"\mingw\bin;
Tip: if you use PyCharm - change Project Interpreter to Python interpreter located in Beremiz directory. Example: D:\"Your Beremiz directory"\python\python.exe .

Next step is to install Zeroconf. Because in latest updates Zeroconf deleted from Beremiz repository, I've written small how to install Zeroconf help.

Well, after all foresaid things done, you can just replace source files in folder "beremiz" with sources, downloaded from this repository (or you can clone it, using Mercurial). That's how you can get all up-to-date changes and run Beremiz on Windows.
