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Symja - Java Computer Algebra Library

Symja is a general purpose Java library for symbolic mathematics.

The Android library project moved to the Github SymjaAndroid repository.

Note: this repository contains the Java 8 project. The NCalc project maintains a Java 7 branch based on Retrolambda.


Join the chat at: Gitter Symja

Online demo:

Android Apps which use the Symja library on Google play store:

Misc links

  • Seco - Advanced Scripting IDE for JVM based languages (on Github)
  • Git mirror of this repository (on Github)


Include the latest symja_java8-YYYY-MM-DD.jar from the Downloads section in your classpath and start coding using parsed input strings or the internal object hierarchy.

With the following command you can run a symja console from the command line

java -classpath symja_java8-YYYY-MM-DD.jar org.matheclipse.core.eval.Console

With the following command you can run a symja console with a Mathematica-compatible syntax and functions

java -classpath symja_java8-YYYY-MM-DD.jar org.matheclipse.core.eval.MMAConsole

Maven Usage

Using Maven, add the following to your `pom.xml`



and run

mvn clean install

With the following command you can run the Symja console from the command line

mvn exec:java -pl matheclipse-core

With the following command you can build a fat jar which contains all needed classes

mvn assembly:single -pl matheclipse-core

The *Excelsior JET Maven Plugin* provides Maven users with an easy way to compile their applications down to optimized native Windows, OS X, or Linux executables with Excelsior JET.

mvn jet:build -pl matheclipse-core

Used Libraries

The Symja library uses the Apache Commons Mathematics Library:

and the Apfloat - Java high performance arbitrary precision arithmetic library

and the JAS - Java Algebra System:

Related GIT Repositories

Symja is the underlying library for the following projects:


  • the complete Symja system is published under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

If you would like to use parts of the system here are the associated licenses:

  • the JAS Java Algebra System is published under the (LESSER) GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE licence. The Java bytecode is dual licenced also under the Apache 2.0 licence to allow usage in Android projects.
  • the Apache Commons Mathematics Library is published under Apache software licence
  • the Hipparchus Mathematics Library is published under Apache software licence
  • the Symja parser libraries (org.matheclipse.parser* packages) are published under the APACHE LICENSE Version 2.0.
