IssValidator throws NullPointerException

Issue #135 closed
Laura Martellotto created an issue


The expectedValue() method of the IssValidator class seems to throw a NullPointerException, due to not initialized expectedIssuers field.

More details:

When I build my JWT Consumer and I want to set the issuer as required, I'm doing:

JwtConsumerBuilder.setExpectedIssuer(true, null);

I just need to set the issuer as required, and don't need any expected issuers list.

This JWT Consumer uses the IssValidator:

   public IssValidator(boolean requireIssuer, String... expectedIssuers)
        this.requireIssuer = requireIssuer;
        if (expectedIssuers != null && expectedIssuers.length > 0)
            this.expectedIssuers = new HashSet<>();
            Collections.addAll(this.expectedIssuers, expectedIssuers);

If the expectedIssuers constructor parameter is null (which is supported by the documentation), the corresponding private field is not initialized at all.

Then, when validate() is called, the following code is executed:

        if (issuer == null)
            return requireIssuer ? new Error(ErrorCodes.ISSUER_MISSING, "No Issuer (iss) claim present but was expecting " + expectedValue()) : null;

In case the issuer is missing, the error message is built by calling expectedValue(), and here is the problem:

    private String expectedValue()
        return expectedIssuers.size() == 1 ? expectedIssuers.iterator().next() : "one of " + expectedIssuers;

There is no check against a null value, so a NullPointerException is thrown and the expected error message ErrorCodes.ISSUER_MISSING is replaced by this NullPointerException.

Thank you in advance.


Comments (4)

  1. Brian Campbell repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Well shoot... thanks for catching that one and for the easily digestible description.

  2. Brian Campbell repo owner

    5f21494: fix for Issue #135 where IssValidator throws NPE when trying to build the error message when no iss claim is present but its configured to require iss with any value being acceptable

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