Add support for Nested JWE(JWS)

Issue #14 resolved
Sebastián Ortiz V. created an issue

The JWS IETF Draft defines a way for nested tokens where a JWE JOSE Header support a 'cty' header which defines the type of the content

The 'cty' header should be added and methods to define the content type.

It can be achieved using the setHeader.

Comments (6)

  1. Brian Campbell repo owner

    Yeah, this can be done now with setHeader. I may add a setContentTypeHeaderValue(String v) or similar at some point but for the time being you can do this:

    jwe.setHeader(HeaderParameterNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "JWT");
  2. Brian Campbell repo owner

    commit 527112b "issue #14: add get/setContentTypeHeaderValue to JsonWebStructure as convenient way of doing get/setHeader(HeaderParameterNames.CONTENT_TYPE...), use the get in JwtConsumer, and add a round trip produce/consume nested JWT test that uses it"

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