Want to subclass HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver

Issue #149 closed
Jan Høydahl created an issue

I am creating a new MultiHttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver which will look for valid public keys in a list of JWKS endpoints. It will work exactly like the HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver but I cannot call resolveKey on a list of HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolvers since I do not want to refresh and retry for each one until we have checked all keys.

So my new class groups examines all keys and if no match, calls refresh() on all JWKS and then tries once more before failing.

I’d like to subclass HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver, but unfortunately I’m prevented since select() is private access. Please make it protected access.

I can also contribute my new multi resolver once it is done, but right now it is a fork and not a subclass.

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