[[14] No Subject (sub) claim is present.] error even though not requested in JwtConsumerBuilder

Issue #150 invalid
Giorgio Vespucci created an issue

Hi, I’m starting using Jose4j and following some examples at https://bitbucket.org/b_c/jose4j/wiki/JWT%20Examples#markdown-header-producing-and-consuming-a-nested-signed-and-encrypted-jwt. I’ve just read that, as per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.2, “Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.”. Since I’m having errors in processing my JWT claims “[[14] No Subject (sub) claim is present.]“ even though I’ve not call the .setRequireSubject() of JwtConsumerBuilder, I had a look at the sources and found that at


it looks a SubValidator is always added to validators, either for a requested or an expected subject.

IMHO, blocking on a missing subject claim even though the .setRequireSubject() has not been called is unexpected.


Thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Campbell repo owner

    That’s not how it works (or not how it’s supposed to work). Could you provide something that demonstrates?

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