Support of RFC 7797 JWS Unencoded Payload Option doesn't work

Issue #156 closed
Yaroslav Soltys created an issue

I need to generate jws with an unencoded payload according to RFC 7797.

I’ve written code according to your wiki tutorial:

public static String createJwsSignature() throws CertificateException, UnrecoverableEntryException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, IOException, JoseException {
    JsonWebSignature signerJws = new JsonWebSignature();
    signerJws.setPayload("{\"key\": \"value\"}");

    signerJws.getHeaders().setObjectHeaderValue(HeaderParameterNames.BASE64URL_ENCODE_PAYLOAD, false);



   return signerJws.getCompactSerialization();

And it generates me a jws with an encoded payload :


When I call signerJws.toString() It get me correct header structure but anyway payload is encoded in the final jws.


Comments (4)

  1. Brian Campbell repo owner

    You need to use getDetachedContentCompactSerialization() rather than getCompactSerialization() as shown in the wiki example at

        // Produce the compact serialization with an empty/detached payload,
        // which is the encoded header + ".." + the encoded signature
        String detachedContentJws = signerJws.getDetachedContentCompactSerialization();

    and from JsonWebSignature

     * Produces the compact serialization with an empty/detached payload as described in
     * <a href="">Appendix F, Detached Content, of the JWS spec</a>
     * though providing library support rather than making the application do it all as
     * described therein.
     * @return the encoded header + ".." + the encoded signature
     * @throws JoseException if an error condition is encountered during the signing process
    public String getDetachedContentCompactSerialization() throws JoseException
        return CompactSerializer.serialize(getEncodedHeader(), "", getEncodedSignature());

  2. Brian Campbell repo owner

    Or were you wanting to produce a JWS compact serialization with the Unencoded Payload Option (like the snippet below)? That indeed appears not to be working correctly. I guess I didn’t think anyone would every actually use that combination of things and apparently overlooked it when implementing and testing RFC 7797 support.

    eyJiNjQiOmZhbHNlLCJjcml0IjpbImI2NCJdLCJraWQiOiIyMTMwODE0MTA0MDIwMzY3NTc4NjM0NTA2MTI0MzAwNTU3MjU2NTgiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.{"key": "value"}.T0MV9G55LQyEDLRO_Q2XXYXOFqkUaoxvHfneyH5iqq2i9ba-ThPePPx3JdgkGIrthyDBjNPGr8REF0mPcO_knPBO1sMv6vr1LIr4kVmVg5ougQ6oi7V6QZ1WnHYWE94BfJHu_r0SJ0OGnoQPGDqXLKL3PttXeXbE7Xe9MiaJYOfKEw9bHX-0lxCEJjphYhZS8uWA2DmqqLrs9to8OdT1eau92HveLzux7X1r4jPxzkgeN6fGqUv_Oyd6lfWJPEu_ZDGXUAZSRM7QI9ok1oGf8jbmIECTGrc4Wv0D1ocE1uObUSt2tDmQ-GgLGXa8DwlXqS0AZBI6GeZOkotTEYYiXw

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