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jose4j / JWS Examples

JWS Code Examples

Signing with JWS

    // An example of signing using JSON Web Signature (JWS)

    // The content that will be signed
    String examplePayload = "This is some text that is to be signed.";

    // Create a new JsonWebSignature
    JsonWebSignature jws = new JsonWebSignature();

    // Set the payload, or signed content, on the JWS object

    // Set the signature algorithm on the JWS that will integrity protect the payload

    // Set the signing key on the JWS
    // Note that your application will need to determine where/how to get the key
    // and here we just use an example from the JWS spec
    PrivateKey privateKey = ExampleEcKeysFromJws.PRIVATE_256;

    // Sign the JWS and produce the compact serialization or complete JWS representation, which
    // is a string consisting of three dot ('.') separated base64url-encoded
    // parts in the form Header.Payload.Signature
    String jwsCompactSerialization = jws.getCompactSerialization();

    // Do something useful with your JWS

JWS Verification Using a JWK

    // An example of signature verification using JSON Web Signature (JWS)
    // where the verification key is obtained from a JSON Web Key Set document.

    // A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data structure that represents a
    // cryptographic key (often but not always a public key). A JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) document
    // is a JSON data structure for representing one or more JSON Web Keys (JWK). A JWK Set might,
    // for example, be obtained from an HTTPS endpoint controlled by the signer but this example
    // presumes the JWK Set JSONhas already been acquired by some secure/trusted means.
    String jsonWebKeySetJson = "{\"keys\":[" +
            "{\"kty\":\"EC\",\"use\":\"sig\"," +
             "\"kid\":\"the key\"," +
             "\"x\":\"amuk6RkDZi-48mKrzgBN_zUZ_9qupIwTZHJjM03qL-4\"," +
             "\"y\":\"ZOESj6_dpPiZZR-fJ-XVszQta28Cjgti7JudooQJ0co\",\"crv\":\"P-256\"}," +
            "{\"kty\":\"EC\",\"use\":\"sig\"," +
            " \"kid\":\"other key\"," +
             "\"x\":\"eCNZgiEHUpLaCNgYIcvWzfyBlzlaqEaWbt7RFJ4nIBA\"," +

    // The complete JWS representation, or compact serialization, is string consisting of
    // three dot ('.') separated base64url-encoded parts in the form Header.Payload.Signature
    String compactSerialization = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InRoZSBrZXkifQ." +

    // Create a new JsonWebSignature object
    JsonWebSignature jws = new JsonWebSignature();

    // Set the algorithm constraints based on what is agreed upon or expected from the sender
    jws.setAlgorithmConstraints(new AlgorithmConstraints(ConstraintType.PERMIT,   AlgorithmIdentifiers.ECDSA_USING_P256_CURVE_AND_SHA256));

    // Set the compact serialization on the JWS

    // Create a new JsonWebKeySet object with the JWK Set JSON
    JsonWebKeySet jsonWebKeySet = new JsonWebKeySet(jsonWebKeySetJson);

    // The JWS header contains information indicating which key was used to secure the JWS.
    // In this case (as will hopefully often be the case) the JWS Key ID
    // corresponds directly to the Key ID in the JWK Set.
    // The VerificationJwkSelector looks at Key ID, Key Type, designated use (signatures vs. encryption),
    // and the designated algorithm in order to select the appropriate key for verification from
    // a set of JWKs.
    VerificationJwkSelector jwkSelector = new VerificationJwkSelector();
    JsonWebKey jwk =, jsonWebKeySet.getJsonWebKeys());

    // The verification key on the JWS is the public key from the JWK we pulled from the JWK Set.

    // Check the signature
    boolean signatureVerified = jws.verifySignature();

    // Do something useful with the result of signature verification
    System.out.println("JWS Signature is valid: " + signatureVerified);

    // Get the payload, or signed content, from the JWS
    String payload = jws.getPayload();

    // Do something useful with the content
    System.out.println("JWS payload: " + payload);

Signature Verification using JWS

    // An example of signature verification using JSON Web Signature (JWS)

    // The complete JWS representation, or compact serialization, is string consisting of
    // three dot ('.') separated base64url-encoded parts in the form Header.Payload.Signature
    String compactSerialization = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9." +
            "VGhpcyBpcyBzb21lIHRleHQgdGhhdCBpcyB0byBiZSBzaWduZWQu." +

    // Create a new JsonWebSignature
    JsonWebSignature jws = new JsonWebSignature();

    // Set the algorithm constraints based on what is agreed upon or expected from the sender
    jws.setAlgorithmConstraints(new AlgorithmConstraints(ConstraintType.PERMIT, AlgorithmIdentifiers.ECDSA_USING_P256_CURVE_AND_SHA256));

    // Set the compact serialization on the JWS

    // Set the verification key
    // Note that your application will need to determine where/how to get the key
    // Here we use an example from the JWS spec
    PublicKey publicKey = ExampleEcKeysFromJws.PUBLIC_256;

    // Check the signature
    boolean signatureVerified = jws.verifySignature();

    // Do something useful with the result of signature verification
    System.out.println("JWS Signature is valid: " + signatureVerified);

    // Get the payload, or signed content, from the JWS
    String payload = jws.getPayload();

    // Do something useful with the content
    System.out.println("JWS payload: " + payload);

Using the RFC 7797 JWS Unencoded Payload Option

    // An example of signature application and verification using the
    // RFC 7797 JSON Web Signature (JWS) Unencoded Payload Option with  
    // the "b64" header set to false indicating that the payload is not
    // base64url encoded when calculating the signature 

    // The public/private key pair for this example as a JWK
    PublicJsonWebKey jwk = PublicJsonWebKey.Factory.newPublicJwk("{" +
            "  \"kty\": \"EC\"," +
            "  \"d\": \"Tk7qzHNnSBMioAU7NwZ9JugFWmWbUCyzeBRjVcTp_so\"," +
            "  \"use\": \"sig\"," +
            "  \"crv\": \"P-256\"," +
            "  \"kid\": \"example\"," +
            "  \"x\": \"qqeGjWmYZU5M5bBrRw1zqZcbPunoFVxsfaa9JdA0R5I\"," +
            "  \"y\": \"wnoj0YjheNP80XYh1SEvz1-wnKByEoHvb6KrDcjMuWc\"" +

    // The message to be signed
    String content = "this is the content that will be signed";

    // Create a new JsonWebSignature object for the signing
    JsonWebSignature signerJws = new JsonWebSignature();

    // The content is the payload of the JWS

    // Set the signature algorithm on the JWS

    // The private key is used to sign

    // Set the Key ID (kid) header because it's just the polite thing to do.

    // Set the "b64" header to false, which indicates that the payload is not encoded
    // when calculating the signature (per RFC 7797)
    signerJws.setHeader(HeaderParameterNames.BASE64URL_ENCODE_PAYLOAD, false); // signerJws.getHeaders().setObjectHeaderValue(HeaderParameterNames.BASE64URL_ENCODE_PAYLOAD, false); with versions before 0.7.0

    // RFC 7797 requires that the "b64" header be listed as critical

    // Produce the compact serialization with an empty/detached payload,
    // which is the encoded header + ".." + the encoded signature
    String detachedContentJws = signerJws.getDetachedContentCompactSerialization();

    // Send the JWS and content somewhere
    // The content might be the body of an HTTP message while the JWS value is carried in a header

    // Use a JsonWebSignature object to verify the signature
    JsonWebSignature verifierJws = new JsonWebSignature();

    // Set the algorithm constraints based on what is agreed upon or expected from the sender
    verifierJws.setAlgorithmConstraints(new AlgorithmConstraints(

    // The JWS with detached content is the compact serialization

    // The unencoded detached content is the payload

    // The public key is used to verify the signature

    // Check the signature
    boolean signatureVerified = verifierJws.verifySignature();

    // Do whatever needs to be done with the result of signature verification
    System.out.println("JWS Signature is valid: " + signatureVerified);
