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jose4j / JWE Examples

JWE Code Examples

Direct Symmetric Encryption and Decryption using JWE

    // An example showing the use of JSON Web Encryption (JWE) to encrypt and then decrypt some content
    // using a symmetric key and direct encryption.

    // The content to be encrypted
    String message = "Well, as of this moment, they're on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!";

    // The shared secret or shared symmetric key represented as a octet sequence JSON Web Key (JWK)
    String jwkJson = "{\"kty\":\"oct\",\"k\":\"Fdh9u8rINxfivbrianbbVT1u232VQBZYKx1HGAGPt2I\"}";
    JsonWebKey jwk = JsonWebKey.Factory.newJwk(jwkJson);

    // Create a new Json Web Encryption object
    JsonWebEncryption senderJwe = new JsonWebEncryption();

    // The plaintext of the JWE is the message that we want to encrypt.

    // Set the "alg" header, which indicates the key management mode for this JWE.
    // In this example we are using the direct key management mode, which means
    // the given key will be used directly as the content encryption key.

    // Set the "enc" header, which indicates the content encryption algorithm to be used.
    // This example is using AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 which is a composition of AES CBC
    // and HMAC SHA2 that provides authenticated encryption.

    // Set the key on the JWE. In this case, using direct mode, the key will used directly as
    // the content encryption key. AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256, which is being used to encrypt the
    // content requires a 256 bit key.

    // Produce the JWE compact serialization, which is where the actual encryption is done.
    // The JWE compact serialization consists of five base64url encoded parts
    // combined with a dot ('.') character in the general format of
    // <header>.<encrypted key>.<initialization vector>.<ciphertext>.<authentication tag>
    // Direct encryption doesn't use an encrypted key so that field will be an empty string
    // in this case.
    String compactSerialization = senderJwe.getCompactSerialization();

    // Do something with the JWE. Like send it to some other party over the clouds
    // and through the interwebs.
    System.out.println("JWE compact serialization: " + compactSerialization);

    // That other party, the receiver, can then use JsonWebEncryption to decrypt the message.
    JsonWebEncryption receiverJwe = new JsonWebEncryption();

    // Set the algorithm constraints based on what is agreed upon or expected from the sender
    AlgorithmConstraints algConstraints = new AlgorithmConstraints(ConstraintType.PERMIT, KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers.DIRECT);
    AlgorithmConstraints encConstraints = new AlgorithmConstraints(ConstraintType.PERMIT, ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers.AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256);

    // Set the compact serialization on new Json Web Encryption object

    // Symmetric encryption, like we are doing here, requires that both parties have the same key.
    // The key will have had to have been securely exchanged out-of-band somehow.

    // Get the message that was encrypted in the JWE. This step performs the actual decryption steps.
    String plaintext = receiverJwe.getPlaintextString();

    // And do whatever you need to do with the clear text message.
    System.out.println("plaintext: " + plaintext);
