
Clone wiki

Ampera / Console Commands

If you're running the Origin jar file from the console (PowerShell or Command Prompt in Windows, Terminal on Mac and Linux) then there are some commands you can run to do different things. This page shows you how to enter these commands.

Each command is written in a code block. The arguments (things that you change) for each command are written in <angle brackets> if they are required, and [square brackets] if they are optional.




Exits the program.

Arguments: None

Mine GPU


Begins mining on the GPUs that are currently enabled by default.

Arguments: None

Send Transaction

sendTransaction <receiver-address> <amount> <token> [fee] [message]

Sends a transaction of a coin of your choice. Fee and message are not required, however you must specify a fee if you wish to specify a message. The minimum fee is 0.0000001 Origin (one ten-millionth of a coin) and any fee below this will be automatically set to the minimum.


  • receiver-address: The wallet address of the person you want to send coins to.
  • amount: The amount of coins you wish to send.
  • token: The type of coin you wish to send. For example, you may want to send "ORIGIN".
  • fee: The fee (in Origin) that you wish to pay for this transaction (defaults to 0.0000001, which is the minimum fee)
  • message: The message that you would like to add to the transaction that you are sending.

Check Connections


Prints current relay connections and their latencies.

Arguments: None
