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Ampera / FAQ

Frequently asked Questions

What is Ampera? Why is it special?

Ampera is a platform for asset trading and management. With the decentralized scripting system, it is possible to run a marketplace as well (one is planned, known as the ADM) where other goods and services not specifically included in the token system can be traded. Ampera itself is just a mine-able coin, but the platform that it powers is what really makes it special.

On a side note, Ampera is aimed at making everything from mining to buying/selling contracts incredibly easy and accessible. We know that other coins can be hard to get into because of obtuse software, and we've designed ours with the users in mind, and with input from the community.

What is the price of Ampera?

Ampera is sold by Ampex officially at the price of 0.10-0.50 USD per coin, dependent on the number ordered. Unofficial P2P trading within the community occurs at a different exchange rate.

Where do I buy Ampera?

It is possible to trade Ampera unofficially, but it must be made clear that Ampex is not affiliated with any third parties that do this, and does not hold any responsibility for what may happen. Ampera is sold officially on a private basis and you will need to contact an Ampex admin about it. Soon Ampera will be sold publicly through a website owned by Ampex.

Where do I sell my Ampera?

There are currently no exchanges that accepts Ampexyet, however the ADX will be available to trade it, as well as other asset-backed tokens on the Ampera blockchain, officially.

What is Ampex?

Ampex is the name of the company that manages the Ampera cryptocurrency. It also will be the name of the official Ampera centralized exchange once it is released.

Is there an exchange that will trade Ampera? When?

The ADX, (Ampex Decentralized Exchange) will be launching very soon. The first pair will be BTC/ORA, allowing Ampera to be traded for bitcoin.

Questions about the wallet program


How can I set up my wallet and pool miner?

Guide for setting up the Ampera client

How do I join and mine on a pool?

How to set up Pool Mining

  1. First, you will need to save your Address in order to mine from a pool. This is the same address that is within your wallet. If you cannot find your address, please open the addresses folder, found in your Ampera folder, on the addresses.origin file, And on the drop down menu select Open With > Notepad.

  2. Copy the entire address and save it to a separate text document if you would like. It should be something like this: 127nNn/nnnNnN9nNnNNnNn9nnnNNn9Nnnn99NNnN==9999

  3. If you would like to mine origin in a pool without using the command line, just download the Ampera Pool.exe from

  4. Create a new text document by right clicking inside the folder where your Origin-17.0-BETA-shaded.jar file is located. Now, right click on your newly created file and select Edit.

  5. Copy & paste this into your Pool mining.bat file: java -jar .\Origin-0.17.0-BETA-shaded.jar -md -pd -bd -pool pause Click "Save As", name the file Pool mining.bat and change the filetype from ".txt" to "All files" before pressing Save.

  6. Open your pool mining client by double clicking on Pool mining.bat and you should have a new tab in your Ampera Client named Pools. Select this Pools tab if it's not the currently active tab.

  7. There will be a "Pay to Address" line, this is where you need to paste your previously saved (steps 1 & 2) address into, or else you will not receive payouts.

  8. The next line should automatically have filled in. Change this address to any pool's IP address that you would like.

How do I back up my wallet?

Copy the folders called "keys" "ampAdds" and "ampBins" to another folder, or put them in a zip file. Make sure you save these folders somewhere safe!

How do I set up a pool?

How to Configure an Ampera Pool

  1. Make sure that you have downloaded the latest Origin-#.##.#-BETA-shaded.jar from

  2. Once you have made sure that you have the latest Ampera client .jar file, rename the file from "Ampera-#.##.#-BETA-shaded.jar" to "Ampera.jar". (If you do not see the .jar file extension in your Windows Explorer, do not worry. Just rename this file as "Ampera")

  3. Now, you will need to create the .bat file to host a "Pool Relay." To do this, right click inside the Ampera folder where the .jar file is located. After right clicking, select "New" in the drop-down menu and then select "Text Document".

  4. Once you have created a text document in your folder, right click the file and select "Edit".

  5. Copy and paste this into your new Text Document: java -jar .\Ampera.jar -pr and save the file as Pool Relay.bat and change the file type from ".txt" to "All Files" before pressing OK.

  6. Now, in order to allow connections to your pool, you will need to forward Port 29999 on your router. If you do not know how, please google a tutorial as every router is different.

  7. You can now double click Pool Relay.bat to host your own pool. Once the pool relay client is launched, anyone with your IP will be able to connect to your pool and begin mining.

What's the current difficulty? How many Ampera will I earn? Can I really make $100 per day?

Check here for current difficulty and stats on card profits

Where can I find pools?

Join our discord server and view the #approved-pools channel where you can find a list of Ampex-approved mining pools. You can also view #approved-links to find pool servers where pools will post information relating to specifically their pool.


Common errors you may encounter

Why am I getting low or no accepted shares when mining?

Accepted shares are shares that have been sent to the pool that it has verified. The number should increase at approximately the same speed as the number of local shares. Keep in mind that accepted shares reset to 0 on every pool payout, but local shares do not reset unless you close the client.
If you are getting no accepted shares (or very little in comparison to your local shares), please check your system clock. It must be set correctly for the pool to be able to verify your shares.

How can I transfer my Ampera from my pre-0.18.0 address to a post-0.18.0 update?

Here is a guide on doing transferring Ampera from your old wallet to your new one.

How much you earn is entirely dependent on the hash speed of the card you are using.
You can also make a copy of this sheet to calculate it more precisely for yourself:

What's the default password?

There is no default password. You must enter your first password on the first launch, and enter the same password on every launch after that.

Why isn't the button to start mining working?

Please wait for a few minutes. When you launch the client for the first time, it must calibrate itself for your graphics card to be able to mine at the highest possible speed. This takes a few minutes and you cannot mine until it has completed. If the button no longer says "Autotuning" and it does not start mining when you click the button, go to the "issues" page of the bitbucket, create a new issue, copy paste console output and take a screenshot of the mining page and put it in it as well.

What does the intensity slider do?

At the moment, not much. Values above 50 will not affect your current mining capability, while values under 50 will reduce the load your GPU takes up.

What does the counter mean for blocks found?

That counts how many blocks have been found.Go here for more information on blocks. At the moment, the reward for finding a block is around 99.8.

I have zero Ampera and my height is -1. What happened to it?

Your Ampera did not disappear. Your height showing -1 means that your client did not connect to the relay. Restart your client in order to have it connect to the relay and display the correct height and amount of Ampera.

Other general questions

What is Ampera?

Ampera is a cryptocurrency with asset-backed tokens running on its own custom blockchain and is backed by SHA3-512 for mining.

What is an asset backed token?

What is the blockchain?

What is a block?

A block contains transactions that occur on the Ampera network. These blocks are cryptographically secure and miners must use computing power to prove that they have worked on the block. The security of the network comes from this combined computing network, where an individual will not be able to manipulate blocks without infeasible amounts of power.

What is a share?

A share is an easier version of a block except it is specifically used by pools and does not form part of the Ampera network. In essence, shares can be mined at a decent rate by all miners and sent to the pool as proof of their current

What does PPS mean?

PPS stands for Pay Per Share. This means that the pool pays you out a fixed amount of Ampera for each share that you send to it. Payouts are on a timer (default 1 hour, pools can change this as they want) and fees are theoretically higher than PPLNS.

What does PPLNS mean?

PPLNS stands for Pay Per Last N Shares. This means that rather than the pool paying out a fixed Pay Per Share (PPS), it only pays out once a block has been found. The block is split up across the last N shares before it was mined - currently N is fixed at 5000. This means that the pool only ever pays out as much as it earns, and theoretically takes less of a fee from its miners. It is recommended over PPS if you are using version 0.17.7 or later.
