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Ampera / How to mine from a Pool

Pool Mining

  1. First, you will need to save your Address in order to mine from a pool. This is the same address that is within your wallet. If you cannot find your address, please open the addresses folder, found in your Origin folder, on the addresses.origin file, And on the drop down menu select Open With > Notepad.

  2. Copy the entire address and save it to a separate text document if you would like. It should be something like this: 127nNn/nnnNnN9nNnNNnNn9nnnNNn9Nnnn99NNnN==9999

  3. If you would like to mine origin in a pool without using the command line, just download the Origin Pool.exe from

  4. Create a new text document by right clicking inside the folder where your Origin-17.0-BETA-shaded.jar file is located. Now, right click on your newly created file and select Edit.

  5. Copy & paste this into your Pool mining.bat file: java -jar .\Origin-0.17.0-BETA-shaded.jar -md -pd -bd -pool pause Click "Save As", name the file Pool mining.bat and change the filetype from ".txt" to "All files" before pressing Save.

  6. Open your pool mining client by double clicking on Pool mining.bat and you should have a new tab in your Origin Client named Poools. Select this Pools tab if it's not the currently active tab.

  7. There will be a "Pay to Address" line, this is where you need to paste your previously saved (steps 1 & 2) address into, or else you will not receive payouts.

  8. The next line should automatically have filled in. Change this address to any pool's IP address that you would like.
