Multiple PC sprites on world map after exiting brightsheol

Issue #1011 resolved
Former user created an issue

After choosing to return to Qud, an extra character sprite showed up on the world map. The extra character sprite can't be controlled, but it has collision. They're also multiplying.

The steps I took were as follows: - zoomed out to world map (at this point I didn't notice anything wrong, so I can't be sure if the extra sprite was already there) - recoiled to Grit Gate from the world map (didn't move on the world map at all) - turned in the quest and left Grit Gate (this is when I noticed the extra sprite) - walked to the Stilt - at the Stilt I recoiled to a programmed location and then back to the Stilt - on trying to go the world map I was asked whether I really wanted to attack <my character's name> - had to travel one screen south from the Stilt to access the world map (lo and behold, another of the sprites squatted on top of the Stilt) - quit the game, started the game and reloaded - although I quit on the tile south of the Stilt, I was placed on the southern edge of the screen (didn't note the exact column) - a zombie sprite was on the spot south of the Stilt where I quit the game

Comments (8)

  1. exsanguination microtubules

    This is what I saw in the message log when this happened to me (my character got duplicated when traveling from Ezra, to the zone south, and back to Ezra again). Nothing in Player.log. Also occurred after returning from the gate to Brightsheol

    Now there’s two of me 🙂

    Edit: Yeah, I’ve gotten the same Action queue inconsistency error multiple times now. Seems that, after Brightsheol, there’s something causing the game to fail to detect the player’s cell and then recreating a copy of them.

  2. exsanguination microtubules

    I have also noticed that this seems to happen only if your character is moving out of a zone from the bottom row of tiles in that zone. So for example, in the image above, I moved from the bottom row of Ezra zone to the zone south of it. The same happens when moving from the bottom row of a zone up to the world map - this results in duplicated characters on the world map. This probably happens with high frequency because when someone decends into a zone from the world map, it automatically puts them on the bottom row of the zone.

  3. exsanguination microtubules

    Nevermind, that was a red herring.

    This actually seems to be occuring on every zone transition where the game is saved. I have my game set to save every 5 zone transitions, and it reliably duplicates my character every time the game shows “Saving Game” during the zone transition

  4. exsanguination microtubules

    I disabled the “save every 5 zone transitions” option, and now my character is no longer being duplicated during normal gameplay. The only time I’m now duplicated is after saving and reloading a save.

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