Tzimtzlum Prompted Rebuild Crash

Issue #10565 invalid
Goob created an issue

The character from this save is a future version of the one from here. I have recently decided to go on a vision quest to seek out a wise mystical clam I’ve heard of only in legend, I was given hints on how to get to this clam’s realm after fruitlessly searching on my own for a while. Once I reached the realm, I saw the clam had a very nice looking item that costed quite a bit of water, so I left, went to the stilt, proselytized the librarian Sheba, and took back all my books I gave her. After I dropped enough books to actually move again, I went off to find the clam once more. I got lost, and upon entering a clam, got a curious prompt: (From memory) “Something went wrong, rebuild area?” I click yes, the screen shifts, and I appear in Tzimtzlum. However, I cannot move. The screen isn’t frozen, but the message log is spitting out nonstop error messages. “Action queue inconsistency: Removing noncached zone object Player:Humanoid(Orphan Eater) Orphan Eater is the name of my character, by the way. Pressing escape does nothing, waiting does nothing, I must press Alt+f4. I reload the save. My character is standing in an Tzimtzlum, trapped in this purgatory for the rest of his days, as there is no legitimate way to escape other than debug commands.

I use the wish “Hydropon,” I am transported back to Qud. All seems well. I escape. However, I will never be able to return to Tzimtzlum, as attempting to go back will once again cause the same crash to occur as last time.

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