Object and PooledObject on items of npcs

Issue #12429 new
Ashe created an issue

Apropo of nothing, lots of npcs (some merchants on the joppa screen, more south, some at the six day stilt) have had all their objects overridden with Object or *PooledObject. No idea what the cause could be, nothing in log.

Comments (5)

  1. Ashe reporter

    I think this is contained to characters that were my follower or a follower of my follower at some point, but doesn’t apply to all of them, weirdly

  2. N N

    So, here's a zone that is almost all "Object". By that I mean, the chests that are nearby when you load the game are filled with "Objects" and all the creatures on this screen were also equipped with "Objects" ... This is stuff that was never prosleytized or beguiled, of followers of mine or anything. And certainly the items in the chests were not that way. Curiosly the scrap items on the ground to the west seem okay.

    Unfortunately me and my companions killed a lot of stuff as I checked the zone out, and realized largely everything lootable on the ground, or generated in there, seemed to be "Object"-ed.

    Either way, hopefully this contributes something to the hunt to solve this issue.

  3. N N

    Also, note that with the save I just uploaded…there’s two chests near the player that you can see. Additionally, there’s a Crypt Ferret just to the west in a fight with my Esbear companion, and way over on the western end of that zone, near the center-north-ish area, is a Mimic. They all exhibit the “Object” issue. Again, I wish I could be more helpful.

    On a side note, and anecdotally, I had a group of Dromad caravan guards on the zone located one south of Grit Gate. They were brought there by me a long time back. At some point, they went from being just fine (and they stayed fine for quite a while) to suddenly having the object issue as well.

    In the save I attached, you could recoil to Grit Gate, go one south, and move either west or slightly south east, and you’d see them wandering that area (unless they’ve wandered more since I last saw them in that zone). There’s a Lithofex caravan guard, and all but one of the Dromad caravan guards that have the Object problem, whereas ONE of the guards, the one off to the southeast, does not. You can see those Dromads in an unbroken state in the previous saves I’ve submitted on this issue, which are here: https://bitbucket.org/bbucklew/cavesofqud-public-issue-tracker/issues/12526/bugs-a-lot-of-items-have-turned-into

    It seems to me that simply zoning in and out of the zone where those Dromads are is what, eventually, caused them to break, since that’s all I every really did when it comes to interacting with them over the long term.

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