[#bugs] A lot of items have turned into "Object"s

Issue #12526 duplicate
N N created an issue

So, load this save and have a look. Several NPC’s in this area of the Stilt have their own equipment (two goats in the south, a bookbinder vendor, and her two guards north) turned into “Object”s.

I can’t begin to guess what would cause this. At the time I noticed this, this morning, I was moving through the Stilt, proselytzing vendors and convincing them they should donate items to my cause. Prior to that activity, last night, I was out in the salt dunes where, having found several drams of Warm Static, I poured it out in the open near some salt rivers and tar pits, to collect rare, lucky liquids. I had also drunk some of the Static. You can see that, as a result, I have lots of skills at level 22.

My game is fully Vanilla. No mods, no wishes have been used.

I honestly have no idea if what I was doing above is related. Those are just my most recent activities, before noticing these problems. Hope this helps.

Comments (4)

  1. N N reporter

    So, after a brief conversation on Reddit about this, I offered to add some back up save games I have for this run to this request. Save007 is before any “Object”s exist on the Bookbinder referenced in the original save and issue (just travel to the Stily and check the Bookbinder, I’m in Grit Gate in save007). Save008 and Save009 both appear to be AFTER the “Object”s have happened, and before I messed with Warm Static, and so may no be relevent at all, but I included them just in case.

    Ultimately, this may be unhelpful, since I can’t recall specifically what I did before I made a backup save after Save007. I wish I could be more specific, I really do, but this is all I have. I hope it helps at least a little.

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