Hotkeys for equipment abilities getting muddled

Issue #12545 duplicate
JRB created an issue

Starting with no hotkeys set, put on a pair of ulnar stimulators, and set its activation key to U. Now remove it, and equip an ontological anchor; it will have taken over the U hotkey, and if we reequip the ulnar stimulators, they will have no hotkey set. I’ve tested that a 3D cobbler hotkey also gets transferred in this way, and no doubt various other bits of equipment (though not all: a hotkey for hologram bracelet seems to be safe, for instance).

This seems really bad to me. For instance, 3D cobblers are a thing that we’re not going to be wearing all the time, but are definitely going to want a hotkey when we do use them. It’s really annoying if that hotkey isn’t retained from one use to the next because maybe we switched out some other bit of equipment in between.

Anyway, I want the hotkey for my ontological anchor (for example) to stay the same from one game to another.

I’ve also noticed that if we equip two sets of ulnar stimulators, for instance, (or two Stopsvalinns for that matter,) each gets its own entry in the abilities list. That isn’t true for hologram bracelets; however many you equip, the activate hologram bracelet ability only shows up once. I think that everything should behave like hologram bracelets: that is, have a persistent hotkey setting, and only appear once in the ability list.

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