
Clone wiki

Main / Display Tags

Beam can be configured to show most information about your songs. The tags are parsed in Beam and replaced with the information from the media player.

CurrentSong   PreviousSong          NextSong         NextTanda

%Artist       %PreviousArtist       %NextArtist      %NextTandaArtist
%AlbumArtist  %PreviousAlbumArtist  %NextAlbumArtist %NextTandaAlbumArtist
%Album        %PreviousAlbum        %NextAlbum       %NextTandaAlbum
%Title        %PreviousTitle        %NextTitle       %NextTandaTitle
%Genre        %PreviousGenre        %NextGenre       %NextTandaGenre
%Comment      %PreviousComment      %NextComment     %NextTandaComment
%Composer     %PreviousComposer     %NextComposer    %NextTandaComposer
%Performer    %PreviousPerformer    %NextPerformer   %NextTandaPerformer
%Year         %PreviousYear         %NextYear        %NextTandaYear
%Singer       %PreviousSinger       %NextSinger      %NextTandaSinger
%IsCortina    %PreviousIsCortina    %NextIsCortina      

You also have the possibility to include time and date. These are controlled with the following tags:
Date and Time
%Hour %Min
%DateDay %DateMonth %DateYear
%LongDate (example: 14th of December)

It is possible to show song count and the dynamic tanda length (number of songs between two cortinas)
Song count

Most media players can only provide a subset of the tags, e.g. Next* is often not available.
