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Visitor Management System

Welcome to the initial public release of the Visitor Management System.

Developed for Bettendorf Community School District.


Requires a web server that supports PHP and MySQL. (Tested with Apache)

phpMyAdmin is also highly recommend if you don't know MySQL.

Sign In Kiosk Demo:

When you visit the sign in kiosk demo you will be forced to choose a location; please use HS Library

Demo Student ID's:



Sign In Log Demo:

Since this is a demo somethings are broken; like adding a student and the links to the student information system.

Also depending on usage the log may be empty for the current day, you can choose 11/2/2014 for some log entries.


I run this on a public web server but I have the /vms/visitlog/ directory restricted to our internal IP range.

In the event of an emergency there is a log that can be viewed from any connection but it contains less information. /vms/visitlog-public/

Adding Students:

I start with a fresh database every school year. This allows me to export our student data from our student information system and import it into the VMS database using phpMyAdmin.
