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UnityUIScrollSnaps / Components / OmniDirectionalScrollSnap

OmniDirectional Scroll Snap

The Omni Directional Scroll Snap is based on the idea of the item/skill tree. The intention being that you could move the Scroll Snap vertically, horizontally, diagonally... or even a bit of each, and when you stopped moving it it would snap to the nearest item. When the Omni Directional Scroll Snap snaps to an item it aligns the item both horizontally and vertically, so the pivot of the item is at the dead center of the Scroll Snap





Public Functions



Download Link

Add the Scroll Snap to an Existing RectTransform:

  • Select the RectTransform.
  • Select the Add Component Menu.
  • Go to UI > Scroll Snaps.
  • Select the OmniDirectional Scroll Snap.
  • Select a RectTransform to be the Content of the Component.
  • Fill out any other information to your liking.

Create a Scroll Snap with the Default Layout:

  • Select either the GameObject Menu (Menu Bar) or the Create Menu (Hierarchy view).
  • Go to UI > Scroll Snaps
  • Select the OmniDirectional Scroll Snap.
  • Fill out any other information to your liking.




Inspector Properties

Property Description
Content This is a reference to the Rect Transform of the UI element to be scrolled.
Movement Type Elastic or Clamped. Elastic mode bounces the Content when it reaches the edge of the Scroll Rect.
Simulate Flings When enabled the Scroll Snap will choose which item to snap to based on where the scroll snap would land if it were flung.
Friction A dimensionless value representing the coefficient of friction applied to flings.
Interpolator Affects how the Scroll Snap animates scrolls. See the Directional Scroll Snap example scene for more information.
Tension Modifies certain interpolators.
Min Duration The minimum duration in seconds for all snapping and scrolling animations.
Max Duration The maximum duration in seconds for all snapping and scrolling animations.
Scroll Bar Settings - Friction The Friction used for scroll bar animations (overrides the default friction, and is optional).
Scroll Bar Settings - Interpolator The Interpolator used for scroll bar animations (overrides the default interpolator, and is optional).
Scroll Bar Settings - Tension The Tension used for scroll bar animations (overrides the default tension, and is optional).
Scroll Sensativity The sensitivity to scroll wheel and touch pad scroll events.
Scroll Delay The time in seconds between the last scroll wheel/touch pad event and when the Scroll Snap begins snapping.
Scroll Direction What direction scroll wheel/touch pad events will move the Content.
Scroll Settings - Friction The Friction used for scroll animations (overrides the default friction, and is optional).
Scroll Settings - Interpolator The Interpolator used for scroll animations (overrides the default interpolator, and is optional).
Scroll Settings - Tension The Tension used for scroll animations (overrides the default tension, and is optional).
Start Item Optional reference to a child of Content that the Scroll Snap will jump to when it is enabled.
Viewport Reference to the viewport Rect Transform that is the parent of the content Rect Transform.
Horizontal Scroll Bar Optional reference to a horizontal scrollbar element.
Vertical Scroll Bar Optional reference to a vertical scrollbar element.
Draw Gizmos When enabled, gizmos are drawn in the Scene View to help you design your Directional Scroll Snap. Will only be available when the Content is assigned.

Non-Inspector Properties

Meaning these are public but can only be accessed through scripts.

Property Description
horizontalNormalizedPosition The horizontal scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the left.
verticalNormalizedPosition The vertical scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the top.
velocity The velocity of the Content on the x and y axis in pixels per second.
closestItem The closest snappable RectTransform item to the center of the View Port/Directional Scroll Snap.
calculateChildrenTopToBottom The list of all calculable children from the top to the bottom.
calculateChildrenLeftToRight The list of all calculable children from the left to the right.
snapChildrenTopToBottom The list of all snappable children from the top to the bottom.
snapChildrenLeftToRight The list of all snappable children from the left to the right.
scroller The Scroller class used by the Scroll Snap to calculate animations.

Item Filters

Item Filters.PNG

Item filters can either be set to BlackList or WhiteList. Blacklist means that any items included in the filter will not be used. White list means the only the items in the filter will be used.

Each filter also has a Add Inactive Children property, when this is enabled all disabled child objects will be added to the filter.

The Calculate Filter determines which children will be taken into consideration when calculating the size of the Content, and which items will be looped (if looping is enabled).

The Snap Filter determines which children are available for the Scroll Snap to snap to. If a child is not calculable it cannot be snapped to, even if it is whitelisted under the Snap Filter.



Event Description
On Value Changed A UnityEvent that is invoked when the scroll position of the Scroll Snap changes. The event can send the current scroll position as a Vector2 type dynamic argument.
Start Movement Event A UnityEvent that is invoked when the Scroll Snap begins moving, either through input from the user or programatically. The event can send the method used to start the movement (OnBeginDrag, OnScroll, ect) as a StartMovementEventType type dynamic arguement.
Closest Snap Position Changed A UnityEvent that is invoked when the closest snappable item to the center of the Scroll Snap changes. The event can send the RectTransform of the new closest item as an RectTransform type dynamic arguement.
Snapped To Item A UnityEvent that is invoked when the Scroll Snap snaps to an item. The event can send the RectTransform of the item that has just been snapped as an RectTransform type dynamic arguement .
Target Item Selected A UnityEvent that is invoked when the Scroll Snap determines which item it will snap to next. The event can send the RectTransform of the item it will snap to as an RectTransform type dynamic arguement.

Public Functions

Type Function
RectTransform GetClosestSnappableChildToNormalizedPosition(Vector2 normalizedPosition)
Gets the closest child RectTransform to the normaized position of the content. Returns the closest snappable child of the content.
RectTransform GetClosestSnappableChildToPosition(Vector2 position)
Gets the closest child RectTransform to the position of the content. Returns the closest snappable child of the content.
bool GetNormalizedPositionOfChild(RectTransform child, out Vector2 normalizedPos)
Gets the normalized position of the Content when it is snapped to the child. Returns true if the supplied RectTransform is a child of the Content.
bool GetPositionOfChild(RectTransform child, out Vector2 position)
Gets the position of the content, in the content's local space, when it is snapped to the child. Returns true if the supplied RectTransform is a child of the content.
void Insert Child(RectTransform child, Vector3 worldPos, bool snappable)
Insert a new child into the Scroll Snap by supplying the child's rectTransform, the position you want it to be placed at in world coordinates, and if it should be snappable or not.
bool JumpToSnappableChild(RectTransform child)
Sets the content's position to be aligned with the Snap Position of the child. Does not animate just "jumps". Returns true if the child is a valid (snappable) child.
void MoveChildren(Vector2 offset, params RectTransform[] children)
Changes the relative (relative to unmoved children) snap position and position of the provided children by the offset.
void MoveChildren(RectTransform referenceChild, RelativeDirection direction, Vector2 offset)
Changes the relative (relative to unmoved children) snap position and position of the children that are to the direction (left of, right of, above, or below) of the referenceChild by the offset.
void RemoveChild(RectTransform child)
Remove a calculable child from the Scroll Snap, the child will be deleted.
void RemoveChild(RectTransform child, RectTransform newParent)
Remove a calculable child from the Scroll Snap, the child will be reparented to the newParent, if the newParent is null the new child will be reparented to the parent Canvas.
bool ScrollToSnappableChild(RectTransform child, float duration, Interpolator interpolator)
Scrolls to the position of the supplied snappable child. in the specified duration of time.
void ScrollToNearestSnapPosToNormalizedPos(Vector2 normalizedPos, int duration, Interpolator interpolator)
Scrolls to the nearest snap position to the normalized position in the specified duration of time.
void ScrollToNearestSnapPosToPos(Vector2 endPos, int duration, Interpolator interpolator)
Scrolls to the nearest snap position to the end position in the specified duration of time.
void SetChildPos(RectTransform child, Vector2 posRelativeToTopLeft)
Set the position of the child relative to the current top left of the content.
void SetChildPos(RectTransform child, Vector3 worldPos)
Set the position of the child in world coordinates.
void SetChildSnappability(RectTransform child, bool snappable)
Tells the Scroll Snap whether it should snap to this child. If the child is not calculable it cannot be snapped to. Used for "Locking" or "Unlocking" Items that are already included in the Scroll Snap. (e.g. in a level/map menu) If you would like to add/remove a child use the Insert/Remove child functions.
void SetRectTransformUncalculable(RectTransform transform)
Used only in the case of adding a decorative object at runtime (an item that never has been and never will be calculable). If you would like to remove a calculable item use the RemoveChild functions.
void UpdateLayout()
Updates the Scroll Snap. Use only if you need updated info about the Scroll Snap before it has updated itself (e.g. first frame). If you need to modify the Scroll Snap (e.g. adding items, manipulating spacing, changing an item's snappability, removing items) please use the provided functions.



Gizmo Meaning
White Box Around Content Shows the current size of the Content.
Cyan Plusses Indicates a Snap Position. This plus will align with the center of the Scroll Snap when the Snap Position is snapped to.
