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grails-datatables / dbDateFormat



Name Type Default
dbDateFormat String MM/DD/YYYY*

*Note that if you are using SQL Server, the default will instead be 101. Refer to w3schools for a description of how SQL Server converts dates.


dbDateFormat is a configuration option that allows you to specify the database format for date values within your table. This option is only relevant when you are using server-side processing. The database format must match the format you have selected for the dateFormat option, only using the format pattern appropriate for your database. The reason this is a separate field is that the plugin needs to know how to format dates in the database in order to provide the search function.

Example Configuration File Entry

grails.plugin.datatables.dbDateFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY"

See Also

Date Formatting, dateFormat, dbDateTimeFormat, dbTimeFormat, dataType, serverSide, Database Compatibility

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