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grails-datatables / tableDefaults



Name Type Default
tableDefaults Map None


tableDefaults is a configuration option that allows you to provide a map containing default values for any of the table options specified on the Options page, as well as many of the various options available to the JQuery DataTables plugin.

Table options are normally specified as attributes in the dt:datatable tag element. They are used to configure various aspects of the table, including how the data should be obtained and which features should be enabled.

In addition to configuring table options in the dt:datatable tag, they may also be configured globally in your configuration file. This is a convenient way to configure settings that apply to several tables in your application without having to duplicate them in every table. Settings that exist in the dt:datatable tag will override entries in your configuration file.

Example Configuration File Entry

grails.plugin.datatables.tableDefaults =        [
        hideWhenEmpty:                          true,
        reportButton:                           true,
        stateSave:                              true,
        processing:                             true,
        reportFunction:                         "downloadReport"

See Also

JQuery DataTables Options

Back to Options.
