Labels aren't applying to new torrents

Issue #33 new
Brendan Berg created an issue

Upgraded to version 1.4.3, and labels weren't initally applying properly. I closed out Deluge completely, re-opened it, and chose a torrent from the list and hit "Add torrent with current subscription options". The label was properly applied. The next torrent to match, however did not apply the label.

(2016-04-04T06:46:24): Update handler executed on RSS Feed 'Kissasstorrents (' (Update interval 5 min)
(2016-04-04T06:46:24): Fetching subscription 'SkyF1HD'.
(2016-04-04T06:46:24): Fetching RSS Feed: 'Kissasstorrents' with Cookie: '{}' and User-agent: 'Deluge v1.3.12 YaRSS2 v1.4.3 Windows/post2008Server'.
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): 25 items in feed, 5 matches the filter.
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Not adding because of old timestamp: 'Formula 1 2016x02 Bahrain Race SkyF1HD 1080p50 [Buildup Audio Sync Issue - see REPACK]'
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Not adding because of old timestamp: 'Formula 1 2016x01 Australia Qualifying SkyF1HD 1080p50'
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Not adding because of old timestamp: 'Formula 1 2016x01 Australia Race SkyF1HD 1080p50'
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Not adding because of old timestamp: 'Formula 1 2016x02 Bahrain Qualifying SkyF1HD 1080p50'
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Sending email 'IFTTT to Pushbullet'
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Adding magnet: 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:742B43C562C1F737C0408148B664720708C2D5B7&dn=formula+1+2016x02+bahrain+race+skyf1hd+1080p50+buildup+repack&'
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Update handler executed on RSS Feed 'HDBits Latest Torrents (' (Update interval 5 min)
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Succesfully added torrent 'Formula 1 2016x02 Bahrain Race SkyF1HD 1080p50 [Buildup REPACK]'.
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Fetching subscription 'Game of Thrones'.
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Fetching RSS Feed: 'HDBits Latest Torrents' with Cookie: '{}' and User-agent: 'Deluge v1.3.12 YaRSS2 v1.4.3 Windows/post2008Server'.
(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Sending email message:
Subject: Deluge - Torrent Snatched

(2016-04-04T06:46:26): Server:, port: 587, authentication: True
(2016-04-04T06:46:27): 200 items in feed, 0 matches the filter.
(2016-04-04T06:46:30): Sending email notification of finished torrent was successful

Comments (5)

  1. Kyle Lucy

    I am having a similar issue, but I have never been able to get YaRSS2 to apply labels. I have tried both 1.4.2, and 1.4.3. The config looks good; even after restarted, the label shows up in the settings for the subscription. Here is the config:

      "file": 8,
      "format": 1
      "cookies": {},
      "subscriptions": {
        "0": {
          "max_download_speed": -2,
          "key": "0",
          "regex_include_ignorecase": true,
          "download_location": "/downloads/active",
          "max_upload_slots": -2,
          "max_connections": -2,
          "ignore_timestamp": false,
          "label": "filebot",
          "max_upload_speed": -2,
          "last_match": "2016-06-29T06:15:07",
          "prioritize_first_last_pieces": "Default",
          "auto_managed": "Default",
          "custom_text_lines": "",
          "regex_exclude_ignorecase": true,
          "email_notifications": {},
          "move_completed": "/downloads/seeding",
          "active": true,
          "sequential_download": "Default",
          "regex_include": ".*",
          "regex_exclude": "",
          "name": "ShowRSS",
          "add_torrents_in_paused_state": "Default",
          "rssfeed_key": "0"
      "email_messages": {},
      "rssfeeds": {
        "0": {
          "name": "ShowRSS",
          "obey_ttl": true,
          "url": "",
          "prefer_magnet": false,
          "site": "",
          "last_update": "",
          "update_on_startup": false,
          "user_agent": "",
          "key": "0",
          "active": true,
          "update_interval": 30
      "general": {
        "show_log_in_gui": true
      "email_configurations": {
        "default_email_subject": "[YaRSS2]: RSS event ($subscription_title)",
        "from_address": "",
        "smtp_authentication": false,
        "send_email_on_torrent_events": false,
        "smtp_authentication": false,
        "send_email_on_torrent_events": false,
        "smtp_port": "",
        "smtp_server": "",
        "default_email_message": "Hi\n\nThe following torrents have been added:\n$torrentlist\nRegards",
        "default_email_to_address": "",
        "smtp_username": "",
        "smtp_password": ""

    and here are the event logs for 'add torrent with current subscription options':

    (2016-06-29T17:56:23): Got Labels: ('filebot',)
    (2016-06-29T17:56:34): Fetching RSS Feed: 'ShowRSS' with Cookie: '{}' and User-agent: 'Deluge v1.3.12 YaRSS2 v1.4.3 Windows/7'.
    (2016-06-29T17:56:34): Got Labels: ('filebot',)
    (2016-06-29T17:56:50): Adding magnet: 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4E4F9C5623AB1E812893F426706BB45BB1ED0213&dn=Top+Gear+US+S08E10+Cuba+720p+HDTV+x264+DHD&tr=udp://'

    The same thing happens when it automatically fetches the feed. I can manually apply the label without issue.

    Thanks, Kyle

  2. Kyle Lucy

    I suspect it might be a permissions issue. I am running inside a docker container, and I had to modify the python script I use to get the labels from:

    d = client.connect()


    d = client.connect(username='***',password='***')

    where the username and password are in the deluge auth file.

  3. Vincent_Bird

    kmlucy "I had to modify the python script I use to get the labels from:" What python script and where?

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