Can we have a file limit on subscription rules

Issue #39 new
Former user created an issue

Would be really nice if the subscription rule would support a "only download the first match" option. When episodes are released, several versions may be posted at pretty much the same time--but you don't know which releasing group will actually release an episode (so you can't rely on finding the group name).

In my case, and I suppose I can't be the only one that thinks this way, I don't care who releases the episode--I just want one copy.

So for example if the RSS published file contains: This-is-episodeS01E01[FUM] This-is-episodeS01E01[ettv] This-is-episodeS01E01[KILLER]

I want to be able to create a rule: This-is-episodeS01

That will download any one of those, but only one of those.

This doesn't negate the need for a smarter "episode filter" as proposed by the devs... but this quick fix would prevent a lot of aggravation now.

Comments (3)

  1. Karl Gustav


    Missing a option for minutes, hours or days between downloads per subscription. The plugin does already record the last download date+time, so a field for hours or days and a comparison between last download and current regex match. If hours/days> than the value, then download, else just put to log and ignore.

  2. Bendik repo owner

    Hi guys

    The problem with implementing this is that we'd need to store info in a database. The current plugin is very simple, and only stores the timestamp of the last matched torrent in the plain text config file.

  3. Karl Gustav

    Hi Bendik,

    My thought had a more simple approach by only using the current yarss2.conf file. This file already has the latest match recorded inside last_match.

    It would need a extra parameter, for example hours stored, which would be the minimum number of hours required between downloads. And a extra GUI field in the subscription dialog for this value. Where 0 would mean always download and anything above 0 would mean the number of minimum hours required between downloads.

    It won't guarantee that a duplicate won't be downloaded in the future, but at least keeps away the risk of several releases being downloaded close to each other. The hours field should be able to accommodate a value of at least 720.

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