When previewing an RSS feed in the GTK client, YaRSS2 downloads the RSS feed via client not via server

Issue #53 resolved
Hayden Schiff created an issue

When YaRSS2 connects to a feed to fetch subscriptions, it makes the HTTP request from the Deluge server's internet connection (obviously). However, when you are editing feeds/subscriptions in the Preferences panel, and YaRSS2 tries to load a feed, it makes the connection from the client's internet connection. This discrepancy should be fixed; the connection should always be made from the server.

Why is this a problem? It can result in confusing errors, as a feed that works fine when setting it up might turn out to not actually work once you save it. It took me a long time to figure out that YaRSS2 wasn't working because of the firewall on my server because it was working fine in the Preferences panel.

Additionally, this makes it difficult to use RSS feeds on the local network. In order to keep my Deluge server behind strict firewall rules, I have a local Apache server acting as a reverse proxy to my RSS feeds (instead of allowing YaRSS2 to connect directly), so I have YaRSS2 configured to load a feed at http://localhost/blah.xml. This means when I'm editing the feeds on a remote client, it is unable to load this feed.

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