Doesn't work with Python 3.9

Issue #63 resolved
Edson Dino Salvati created an issue

Doesn't work with Python 3.9. Deluge on Fedora 33 is using python 3.9.0.
Renaming the egg does not work either.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan Camenzind

    I think i fixed it, doing the following:
    unzip the file YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.9.egg (renamed from YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.7.egg as usual)
    then open file yarss2/util/feedparsing/
    Replace line 44:
    _base64decode = getattr(base64, 'decodebytes', base64.decodestring)


    _base64decode = getattr(base64, 'decodebytes')

    Remove the plugin file, then zip again:
    zip -r YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.9.egg yarss2 EGG-INFO
    now restart deluge.
    i got no error and the feed is displayed in gui.

  2. Fichte Foll

    Fix worke for me, although I used base64.decodebytes directly. The function was removed in 3.9, as it was deprecated since 3.1.

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