Python 3.8 Not Working

Issue #64 wontfix
Luke Eltiste created an issue

Client: 2.0.4.dev38
Server: 2.0.4.dev38


I am running deluge through the binhex/arch-delugevpn docker on unraid. I built the .egg file myself on python 3.8, and the plugin doesn’t work.

When enabling the plugin through the WebUI I get this:

In deluged.log:

20:44:34.283 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include'
20:44:34.283 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/requests'
20:44:34.283 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/dateutil'
20:44:34.283 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/defusedxml'
20:44:34.283 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/beautifulsoup/py3k'
20:44:34.284 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/atoma'
20:44:34.284 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/html5lib'
20:44:34.284 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/webencodings'
20:44:34.284 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/urllib3/src'
20:44:34.284 [INFO    ][yarss2                        :41  ] YaRSS2.__init__:36: Appending to sys.path: '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/include/certifi'
20:44:34.328 [WARNING ][deluge.config                 :405 ] Unable to open config file /config/yarss2.conf: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/yarss2.conf'
20:44:34.328 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'default_email_to_address'
20:44:34.328 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'default_email_message'
20:44:34.328 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'default_email_subject'
20:44:34.328 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'smtp_port'
20:44:34.329 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'send_email_on_torrent_events'
20:44:34.329 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'smtp_username'
20:44:34.329 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'smtp_password'
20:44:34.329 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'smtp_server'
20:44:34.329 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'smtp_authentication'
20:44:34.329 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.yarss_config:348: Insert missing config key 'from_address'
20:44:34.329 [WARNING ][deluge.config                 :470 ] Unable to open config file: /config/yarss2.conf because: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/yarss2.conf'
20:44:34.401 [WARNING ][deluge.config                 :495 ] Unable to backup old config: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/yarss2.conf'
20:44:34.402 [INFO    ][yarss2.core                   :41  ] YaRSS2.core:47: Enabled YaRSS2 2.1.4
20:44:34.403 [INFO    ][deluge.pluginmanagerbase      :189 ] Plugin YaRSS2 enabled...

In deluge-web.log

20:44:34.412 [ERROR   ][deluge.pluginmanagerbase   :153 ] Unable to instantiate plugin 'YaRSS2' from '/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg'!
20:44:34.413 [ERROR   ][deluge.pluginmanagerbase   :1469] cannot import name 'YaRSS2' from 'yarss2.webui' (/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/deluge/", line 148, in enable_plugin
    instance = cls(plugin_name.replace('-', '_'))
  File "/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/", line 65, in __init__
    from .webui import YaRSS2 as _pluginCls
ImportError: cannot import name 'YaRSS2' from 'yarss2.webui' (/config/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.8.egg/yarss2/
20:44:34.413 [INFO    ][deluge.ui.web.pluginmanager:98  ] YaRSS2 plugin contains no WebUI code, ignoring WebUI enable call.
20:44:34.413 [INFO    ][twisted                    :154 ] "" - - [27/Nov/2020:04:44:33 +0000] "POST /json HTTP/1.1" 200 89 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36 OPR/71.0.3770.441"
20:44:34.463 [INFO    ][deluge.ui.web.pluginmanager:149 ] Plugin has no web ui

Am I Doing something wrong, or is it something else?

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