Need a python 3.10 egg

Issue #69 resolved
Paul created an issue

I upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04LTS and it uses Python 3.10. An egg supporting that release would be much appreciated.

Comments (3)

  1. Stillkill

    The eggs can be created very simply by following the instructions in the readme. I will post my build here for others to find easily.

    Please note that I did not make any changes to the code, so while the plugin does seem to build, load, and function without error, there are probably going to be some bugs.

    Don’t bring bug reports to me. Make a pull req.

    Built on: Ubuntu 22.04.1 (WSL) with Python 3.10.6

    Tested on:

    deluged 2.1.1
    Python: 3.10.6
    OS: Linux Ubuntu 22.04 jammy

  2. R1

    HI there is there a way for you to create a version for python 3.11 ?

    And why Yarss2-3.10 can’t detect 3.11 ?

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