
Ben Howes Simpy3.0 Fridge

Created by Ben Howes

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+# coding=utf8
+This file contains classes for simulating, controlling and observing a fridge.
+@author: Stefan Scherfke
+@contact: stefan.scherfke at
+Updated for simpy 3 by Ben Howes of Zoetrope Labs (
+from math import exp
+import logging
+import random
+from collections import namedtuple
+import simpy
+log = logging.getLogger('Processes')
+FridgeInternalState = namedtuple("FridgeInternalState", ["temp", "current"])
+def fridge(env, data_output, T_O = 20.0, A = 3.21, m_c = 15.97, tau = 1.0/60,
+                  eta = 3.0, q_i = 0.0, q_max = 70.0,
+                  T_i = 5.0, T_range = [5.0, 8.0], noise = False,
+                  cool_on_start=True):
+    """
+    This generator represents a simulated fridge.
+    It's temperature T for and equidistant series of time steps is computed by
+    $T_{i+1} = \epsilon \cdot T_i + (1 - \epsilon) \cdot \left(T^O - \eta
+    \cdot \frac{q_i}{A}\right)$ with $\epsilon = e^{-\frac{\tau A}{m_c}}$.
+    @param env:       The SimPy simulation this process belongs to
+    @type env:        SimPy.Environment instance
+    @param data_output A list which we can append to
+    @param T_O:       Outside temperature
+    @param A:         Insulation
+    @param m_c:       Thermal mass/thermal storage capacity
+    @param tau:       Time span between t_i and t_{i+1}
+    @param eta:       Efficiency of the cooling device
+    @param q_i:       Initial/current electrical power
+    @param q_max:     Power required during cool-down
+    @param T_i:       Initial/current temperature
+    @param T_range:   Allowed range for T_i
+    @param noise:     Add noise to the fridge's parameters, if True
+    @type noise:      bool
+    """
+    if cool_on_start:
+        q_i = q_max
+    while True:
+        epsilon = exp(-(tau * A) / m_c)
+        T_i = epsilon * T_i + (1 - epsilon) \
+                * (T_O - eta * (q_i / A))
+        if T_i >= T_range[1]:
+            q_i = q_max         # Cool down
+        elif T_i <= T_range[0]:
+            q_i = 0.0                # Stop cooling
+        log.debug('T_i: %2.2f°C at %.2f' % (T_i,
+        data_output.append(FridgeInternalState(T_i, q_i))
+        yield env.timeout(tau)
+def fridge_observer(env, fridges, fridges_data, output, tau, aggSteps):
+    """
+    This process observes the temperature and power consumption of a set of
+    fridges.
+    @param fridges:     A list of fridges (not used)
+    @param fridges_data:     A list of lists containing FridgeInternalState output from each fridge
+    @param output:          The observable output aggregation
+    @param tau:              Timestep size
+    @aggSteps:          The number of steps per aggregation
+    """
+    _aggSteps = aggSteps
+    aggSteps = 0
+    consumption = 0
+    lastProgUpdate = 0
+    while True:
+        #prog = * 100 / self.sim._endtime
+        #if int(prog) > lastProgUpdate:
+        #'Progress: %d%%' % prog)
+        #    lastProgUpdate = prog
+        if (aggSteps >= _aggSteps):
+            log.debug('Aggregating at %.2f' %
+            output.append(consumption/_aggSteps)
+            consumption = 0
+            aggSteps = 0
+        for fridge_data in fridges_data:
+            consumption += fridge_data[-1].current
+        aggSteps += 1
+        yield env.timeout(tau)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    logging.basicConfig(
+            level = logging.DEBUG,
+            format = '%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s')
+    tau = 1./60 # Step size 1min
+    aggSteps = 15 # Aggregate consumption in 15min blocks
+    params = {'tau': tau}
+    env = simpy.Environment()
+    data_output = []
+    agg_output = []
+    fridge = fridge(env, data_output)
+    observer = fridge_observer(env, [fridge], [data_output], agg_output, tau, aggSteps)
+    env.process(fridge)
+    env.process(observer)
+ = 4 + tau)
+    print(agg_output)

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