No target contigs

Issue #134 resolved
Emma Johnstone created an issue

Hi, I’m having an issue with metabat2 where is seems like none of my contigs are being picked up as target contigs for binning. Here’s the output when I run it:

metabat2 -i flye_3/assembly.fasta -a mixed_community_reads_depth.txt -o metabat_bins -v

MetaBAT 2 (2.15 (Bioconda)) using minContig 2500, minCV 1.0, minCVSum 1.0, maxP 95%, minS 60, maxEdges 200 and minClsSize 200000. with random seed=1630399701

[00:00:00] Executing with 20 threads

[00:00:00] Parsing abundance file

[00:00:00] Parsing assembly file

[00:00:00] Number of large contigs >= 2500 are 72. 

[00:00:00] Reading abundance file

[00:00:00] Finished reading 72 contigs and 1 coverages from mixed_community_reads_depth.txt

[00:00:00] Number of target contigs: 0 of large (>= 2500) and 0 of small ones (>=1000 & <2500). 

[00:00:00] Start TNF calculation. nobs = 0

[00:00:00] Finished TNF calculation.                                  

[00:00:00] Finished Preparing TNF Graph Building [pTNF = 70.00]                                             

[00:00:00] Finished Building TNF Graph (0 edges) [-5.4Gb / 48.5Gb]                                          

No edges were formed by TNF.

[00:00:00] Rescuing singleton large contigs

[00:00:00] There are 0 bins already

[00:00:00] Outputting bins

[00:00:00] -nan% (0 bases) of large (>=2500) and 0.00% (0 bases) of small (<2500) contigs were binned.

0 bins (0 bases in total) formed.

[00:00:00] Finished

Do you know the reason this might be happening? I’ve checked and the contig names in assembly.fasta and mixed_community_reads_depth.txt match so it doesn’t seem to be the same problem that other people have had. If it helps it’s not a complex metagenomic sample and only consists of 5 individual species. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

Comments (1)

  1. Rob Egan

    In your data there are no contigs large enough to be considered for binning after reading the depths file. See --minCV and --minCVSum for minimum per sample and total coverage

    "Number of target contigs: 0 of large (>= 2500) and 0 of small ones (>=1000 & <2500)."

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