Installation failure, error 8 test_metabat_1 failed

Issue #165 invalid
William Strike created an issue


I have attempted to install metabat on an Ubuntu wsl. I’ve attached an image of an error that I wasn’t able to find much information online about while I tried to run the installation script.

Thanks so much for your help!

Comments (2)

  1. Rob Egan

    I don’t have any access to a Windows machine in order to test this, but I am happily surprised that you were able to get it to build and work at all.

    If, in the build directory you execute:
    ”ctest --verbose” then you will get more information as to why that second test failed.

    This is an example of what I get for a passing test #2

    2: Test command: /home/regan/workspace/metabat/build/src/metabat1 "--inFile" "/home/regan/workspace/metabat/test/contigs.fa" "--abdFile" "contigs_depth.txt" "--outFile" "metabat1/co
    ntigs_bins" "-v"
    2: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
    2: MetaBAT 1 (v2.17) using p1 90.0%, p2 90.0%, p3 95.0%, minProb 80.0%, minBinned 40%, minCV 1.0, minContig 2500, minContigByCorr 1000, minCorr 92%, paired 0, and 20 bootstrapping
    2: [00:00:00] Finished reading 1 contigs. Number of target contigs >= 2500 are 1, and [1000 and 2500) are 0
    2: [00:00:00] Finished reading 1 contigs (using 1 including 0 short contigs) and 1 coverages from contigs_depth.txt
    2: [Info] Correlation binning won't be applied since the number of samples (1) < minSamples (10)
    2: [00:00:00] Finished TNF calculation.
    2: [00:00:00] Finished building a probabilistic graph. (1 vertices and 0 edges)
    [00:00:00] Bootstrapping 20/20 [0.2Gb / 62.4Gb]
    2: [00:00:00] Saved bootstrap intermediate file (boot.13978565628489763252) for reuse in case of failure
    [00:00:00] Finished Ensemble Graph (1 vertices and 0 edges) [0.2Gb / 62.4Gb]
    2: [00:00:00] Starting Ensemble Binning [0.2Gb / 62.4Gb]
    [00:00:00] Running Ensemble Binning 1 [0.2Gb / 62.4Gb]]
    2: [00:00:00] Finished Ensemble Binning [0.2Gb / 62.4Gb]
    2: [00:00:00] Cleaned up intermediate files
    2: [00:00:00] 0.00% (0 out of 5404 bases) was binned.
    2: Number of clusters formed: 0
    2/4 Test #2: test_metabat1 ....................   Passed    0.01 sec

    Please try that and submit the the output that you get if it fails again.

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