Create metabat docker container?

Issue #30 resolved
Former user created an issue

Given that metabat has quite a few dependencies, I'm wondering if there are any efforts to support an a docker container for metabat? I imagine it would help with uptake of metabat by other research groups, especially on clusters and the cloud!

I didn't find one that seemed official, and virusx/metabat didn't work for docker run or docker pull when we tried. (The group that produces ipyrad has created docker containers, for example, which has been very helpful to a lot of researchers who struggle with dependency installs.)

Cheers, Lauren Michael Research Computing Facilitator, CHTC

Comments (3)

  1. Rob Egan

    I created a Dockerfile and pushed a docker image to docker hub. I updated the instructions to run and build in the and docs. Please note that continuous integration is NOT configured yet, so the dockerhub images can only be manually updated when we remember to do so.

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