Identification of true membership for each contig

Issue #63 closed
SharGau created an issue

MetaBat is such a great genome binner. I am just wondering how you guys calculated the true membership of each contig in "membership.txt" file located in your mock Dataset. Is there a way to make this file using MetaBat? I am using command mentioned below and I am not getting any file with name "membership.txt", however, I am getting an extra file names P1-test2 (attached). Can you please explain what is the second column (I assume it is length) here in this file. One of my other concerns is if it is length of the contigs included in binned genomes, then length is not matching the assembled genome file. in your mock files, the second column of "membership.txt" matches with the length of contigs in “assembly.fa”. If you can explain it, that would be helpful.

my commands:

jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths --referenceFasta P01-0-MegaHit-contigs.fasta --outputDepth P1-depth.txt P1-sorted.bam

metabat --saveCls membership.txt --unbinned -i P01-0-MegaHit-contigs.fasta -a P1-depth.txt -o P1-test -v --saveTNF saved.tnf --saveDistance saved.gprob

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