Metabat2 (bam files)

Issue #69 resolved
Borja Freire Castro created an issue


I am using metabat2 and I am having some issues. First of all, I want to know how metabat2 works when no depth.txt file has been given, I am assuming that it uses only TFN (let’s put aside normalization). Furthermore, when you said be sure you bam file is sorted what do you exactly mean?

(sorry about the kind because it is none of the given 😅 )

Comments (1)

  1. Rob Egan

    Please read the publications on the README for details on how metabat works. Yes TNF will be the only metric if the abundance depth file is not present and there are no bam files to calculate it. It is highly recommended that you map the reads back to the assembly and produce a sorted bam file as this information leads to better and more accurate bins. Please visit for any information you need regarding bam files and how to generate and sort them.

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