question : binning with multiple contigs files

Issue #98 resolved
Meijun Wu created an issue


I have generate 3 contigs.fa for 3 different samples, i have generate also the corresponding bam files. i don’t know if metahit2 is capable to treat multiple contigs at once. (when i tried put multiple files in the commande it don’t work).

please give some advances please, please.

thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Rob Egan

    Hi Meijun,

    Please read the papers that describe what metabat can do. It is designed to bin together contigs from a single assembly. If you perform an assembly of the 3 samples together (i.e. a combined assembly) and then create the 3 BAM files for the different samples, mapped against that single assembly, then it will work as designed and provide meaningful results.



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