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MetaBAT / Best Binning Practices1

Best Binning Practices

Note: This is for MetaBAT 1. See here for MetaBAT 2.

In this page, we demonstrate the best binning practices using MetaBAT and CheckM. One of challenging parts in metagenomic binning is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every datasets, so it is necessary to explore the parameter space to find the best binning results. It would be ideal to have an automated solution, but so far it is not easily doable in practice. MetaBAT is extremely efficient binning method easily scalable to large number of complex community samples, and it also stores intermediate files for faster parameter exploration. We hope that this example workflow would guide future research and make it easier to find the best bins.


We will use two datasets in this guide. The first one is MetaHIT dataset, as explained in a benchmark page, and the second dataset is here. For this guide, we use MetaBAT v0.32.4 and CheckM v1.0.6.

Summary of Workflow

We will start with default setting in MetaBAT and explore other advanced settings. To guide the direction of the search, we will use completeness and contamination estimations in CheckM. The main characteristic of default setting (--sensitive) is that it pursues the balance between sensitivity and specificity, so once the bins formed and evaluated by CheckM, it is important to decide whether one wants better sensitivity or specificity. One of main design goal of MetaBAT was to achieve as much specificity as possible, so it would be a good direction to tune parameters to improve sensitivity without much loss of specificity.

CASE 1: When It Needs More Sensitivity

The first case is that when there are many samples (in this case 264) or the community structure is at most moderately complex.

Run MetaBAT and CheckM

metabat -i assembly.fa -a depth.txt -o bin1/Bin --saveTNF saved.tnf --saveDistance saved.dist -v
checkm lineage_wf -f bin1/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin1/ bin1/SCG

Check the result using R

> source('')
> printPerf(list(calcPerfBySCG("bin1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)), rec=c(seq(.1,.9,.1),.95), prec=c(seq(.6,.9,.1),.95,.99))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6  175 175 156 138 112  90  63  42  15    4
     0.7  175 175 156 138 112  90  63  42  15    4
     0.8  174 174 155 137 111  89  62  41  14    3
     0.9  157 157 138 120  95  73  49  33  12    2
     0.95 117 117  98  81  57  38  20  12   8    2
     0.99  31  31  18  13   3   2   1   0   0    0
> printPerf(list(calcPerfBySCG("bin1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=T)), rec=c(seq(.1,.9,.1),.95), prec=c(seq(.6,.9,.1),.95,.99))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6  175 175 156 138 112  90  63  42  15    4
     0.7  175 175 156 138 112  90  63  42  15    4
     0.8  175 175 156 138 112  90  63  42  15    4
     0.9  174 174 155 137 111  89  63  42  15    4
     0.95 172 172 153 135 109  87  61  40  15    4
     0.99 142 142 123 107  82  64  44  27   8    2
* printPerf function is to show cumulative number of bins fulfilling given recall (completeness or sensitivity) and precision (purity or specificity) cutoffs. For instance, in the first table, there are 95 bins having >= 0.9 precision and 0.5 recall, and the number decreases to 73 if 0.6 recall were used instead. * The difference between two tables is whether to remove strain level contamination in CheckM results. If removeStrain is set to TRUE, contamination by different strains is ignored for precision calculation and the number of bins fulfilling the same precision cutoff will increase. * Compared two tables, it is clear that most of contaminations come from the mixture of different strains (e.g. see the bottom row where precision is 0.99). In contrast, the total number of bins having good recall (or completeness) decreases quickly, meaning it is worth trying more sensitive options.

Trying '--verysensitive' mode

metabat -i assembly.fa -a depth.txt -o bin2/Bin --saveTNF saved.tnf --saveDistance saved.dist -v --verysensitive
checkm lineage_wf -f bin2/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin2/ bin2/SCG
> printPerf(list(calcPerfBySCG("bin2/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)), rec=c(seq(.1,.9,.1),.95), prec=c(seq(.6,.9,.1),.95,.99))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6  184 184 162 132 115  96  72  47  20    6
     0.7  184 184 162 132 115  96  72  47  20    6
     0.8  182 182 160 130 113  94  70  45  18    5
     0.9  154 154 132 102  85  67  45  26   9    2
     0.95 115 115  93  64  48  32  19  10   5    2
     0.99  31  31  20   6   2   1   1   0   0    0
> printPerf(list(calcPerfBySCG("bin2/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=T)), rec=c(seq(.1,.9,.1),.95), prec=c(seq(.6,.9,.1),.95,.99))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6  184 184 162 132 115  96  72  47  20    6
     0.7  184 184 162 132 115  96  72  47  20    6
     0.8  184 184 162 132 115  96  72  47  20    6
     0.9  183 183 161 131 114  95  72  47  20    6
     0.95 179 179 157 127 110  91  69  44  19    6
     0.99 137 137 116  89  75  58  44  25   9    5
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin2/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6    9   9   6  -6   3   6   9   5   5    2
     0.7    9   9   6  -6   3   6   9   5   5    2
     0.8    8   8   5  -7   2   5   8   4   4    2
     0.9   -3  -3  -6 -18 -10  -6  -4  -7  -3    0
     0.95  -2  -2  -5 -17  -9  -6  -1  -2  -3    0
     0.99   0   0   2  -7  -1  -1   0   0   0    0
* diffPerf function is to show difference between two independent runs of CheckM results. Positive numbers represent the first result has more bins fulfilling the cutoffs, and vice versa. Generally speaking, better binning would have more positive numbers in the bottom right, which means it has more complete and precise bins. * The overall completeness of bins improved, but the decrease in precision was excessive (e.g. in the first tables, the number of genomes having >0.9 precision & >0.5 recall decreased from 95 to 85). However, if you don't care about the strain level contamination, the result seems fine since the decrease of precision was not excessive (compare the second tables). 'diffPerf' function do the comparison conveniently and show that recall improved at the cost of precision.

Trying '--minContig 1500'

This change decreases the lower bound for initial binning so that more contigs tend to be binned at the cost of increased contamination. The default is 2500 and it should be no less than 1500.

metabat -i assembly.fa -a depth.txt -o bin1-1/Bin --minContig 1500 --saveTNF saved_1500.tnf --saveDistance saved_1500.dist -v
checkm lineage_wf -f bin1-1/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin1-1/ bin1-1/SCG
* Note that saved tnf and dist files should have different names if '--minContig' changes. It is good practice to indicate in the file the length of '--minContig' as given in the example.
> printPerf(list(calcPerfBySCG("bin1-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)), rec=c(seq(.1,.9,.1),.95), prec=c(seq(.6,.9,.1),.95,.99))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6  191 191 174 144 113  93  67  45  18    6
     0.7  191 191 174 144 113  93  67  45  18    6
     0.8  190 190 173 143 112  92  66  44  17    5
     0.9  173 173 156 126  96  76  53  35  14    4
     0.95 129 129 112  82  53  37  21  13   9    3
     0.99  34  34  27  15   2   1   0   0   0    0
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin1-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6   16  16  18   6   1   3   4   3   3    2
     0.7   16  16  18   6   1   3   4   3   3    2
     0.8   16  16  18   6   1   3   4   3   3    2
     0.9   16  16  18   6   1   3   4   2   2    2
     0.95  12  12  14   1  -4  -1   1   1   1    1
     0.99   3   3   9   2  -1  -1  -1   0   0    0
It clearly outperforms the first result; however, the degree of increase in sensitivity is not significant. As shown in the diffPerf table, improvement in higher recall region (recall >= .5) is weak. So we will consider ensemble binning below.

Trying Ensemble Binning

Ensemble binning is a new addition to MetaBAT since v0.30.0. The main motive of its addition is to have a nice mechanism to combine bins so that it achieves better sensitivity without sacrificing specificity. It is known that MetaBAT produces highly specific bins but often it lacks sensitivity. The reason is that bins tend to be split to highly similar smaller pieces. So ensemble binning is a nice way to compensate the problem and will increase the sensitivity.

metabat -i assembly.fa -a depth.txt -o bin3-1/Bin --minContig 1500 --saveTNF saved_1500.tnf --saveDistance saved_1500.dist -v -B 20 --keep
checkm lineage_wf -f bin3-1/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin3-1/ bin3-1/SCG
* -B option enables ensemble binning, and the number represents how many bootstrapping will be executed. It is recommended to be >= 20. * --keep argument is required to retain intermediate files. Otherwise, they are removed at the end of procedure if it is successful. The files are reused to prevent unnecessary calculation in case of rerun if it is compatible.

> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin3-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin1-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)) 
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0    -24 -24 -24 -20  -6   0  11  18  17    9
     0.1  -25 -25 -25 -21  -7  -1  10  17  16    8
     0.2  -26 -26 -26 -22  -8  -2   9  16  15    7
     0.3  -29 -29 -29 -25 -11  -5   6  13  12    5
     0.4  -31 -31 -31 -27 -13  -7   4  11  10    3
     0.5  -38 -38 -38 -34 -20 -14  -3   4   8    3
     0.6  -43 -43 -43 -39 -25 -19  -8  -1   4    1
     0.7  -43 -43 -43 -39 -25 -19  -8  -1   4    1
     0.8  -46 -46 -46 -42 -28 -22 -11  -4   1   -1
     0.9  -49 -49 -49 -45 -32 -25 -16  -7  -2   -1
     0.95 -36 -36 -36 -32 -20 -12  -8  -6  -4   -1
     0.99  -8  -8 -10  -8  -2  -1   0   0   0    0
The ideal improvement in diffPerf would be positive numbers on bottom right which means both higher precision and recall. In this case, there was improvement on recall but too much cost on precision. So let's consider --specific mode.

metabat -i assembly.fa -a depth.txt -o bin4/Bin --minContig 1500 --saveTNF saved_1500.tnf --saveDistance saved_1500.dist -v -B 20 --keep --specific
checkm lineage_wf -f bin4/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin4/ bin4/SCG

> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin4/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin1-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)) 
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0    -35 -35 -34 -24  -9   0  12  10  13    7
     0.1  -39 -39 -38 -28 -13  -4   8   6   9    3
     0.2  -40 -40 -39 -29 -14  -5   7   5   8    2
     0.3  -43 -43 -42 -32 -17  -8   4   2   5    2
     0.4  -47 -47 -46 -36 -21 -12   0  -2   1   -1
     0.5  -48 -48 -47 -37 -22 -13  -1  -3   0   -2
     0.6  -51 -51 -50 -40 -25 -16  -4  -5   0   -2
     0.7  -52 -52 -51 -41 -26 -17  -5  -6  -1   -2
     0.8  -54 -54 -53 -43 -28 -19  -7  -8  -3   -2
     0.9  -55 -55 -54 -44 -30 -21 -10  -8  -5   -2
     0.95 -46 -46 -45 -35 -20 -11  -5  -4  -6   -1
     0.99  -8  -8 -13 -10  -2  -1   0   0   0    0

> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin4/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin3-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)) 
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0    -11 -11 -10  -4  -3   0   1  -8  -4   -2
     0.1  -14 -14 -13  -7  -6  -3  -2 -11  -7   -5
     0.2  -14 -14 -13  -7  -6  -3  -2 -11  -7   -5
     0.3  -14 -14 -13  -7  -6  -3  -2 -11  -7   -3
     0.4  -16 -16 -15  -9  -8  -5  -4 -13  -9   -4
     0.5  -10 -10  -9  -3  -2   1   2  -7  -8   -5
     0.6   -8  -8  -7  -1   0   3   4  -4  -4   -3
     0.7   -9  -9  -8  -2  -1   2   3  -5  -5   -3
     0.8   -8  -8  -7  -1   0   3   4  -4  -4   -1
     0.9   -6  -6  -5   1   2   4   6  -1  -3   -1
     0.95 -10 -10  -9  -3   0   1   3   2  -2    0
     0.99   0   0  -3  -2   0   0   0   0   0    0
By changing to '--specific' mode, we improved precision but now we need more sensitivity (In the second table, positive numbers appeared on the bottom middle region). In ensemble binning, we can improve sensitivity by lowering '--pB' option, which controls the cutoff for the consideration of shared membership between bootstrapping.

metabat -i assembly.fa -a depth.txt -o bin4-1/Bin --minContig 1500 --saveTNF saved_1500.tnf --saveDistance saved_1500.dist -v -B 20 --keep --specific --pB 20
checkm lineage_wf -f bin4-1/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin4-1/ bin4-1/SCG
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin4-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin4/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)) 
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0     20  20  17  20  15  11   5   1   0   -2
     0.1   24  24  21  24  19  15   9   5   4    2
     0.2   25  25  22  25  20  16  10   6   5    3
     0.3   28  28  25  28  23  19  13   9   8    3
     0.4   32  32  29  32  27  23  17  13  12    6
     0.5   33  33  30  33  28  24  18  14  13    7
     0.6   36  36  33  36  31  27  21  16  13    7
     0.7   37  37  34  37  32  28  22  17  14    7
     0.8   34  34  31  34  29  25  19  14  11    5
     0.9   29  29  26  29  24  20  13   9   8    3
     0.95  23  23  20  23  18  13   8   5   5    2
     0.99   3   3   0   2   0   0   0   0   0    0
'--pB 20' resulted in surprising improvement in both recall and precision. Being encouraged by that, we will proceed further lowering the cutoff to '--pB 5'

metabat -i assembly.fa -a depth.txt -o bin4-2/Bin --minContig 1500 --saveTNF saved_1500.tnf --saveDistance saved_1500.dist -v -B 20 --keep --specific --pB 5
checkm lineage_wf -f bin4-2/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin4-2/ bin4-2/SCG
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin4-2/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin4-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)) 
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6    0   0   0   0   1   2   2   3   0    3
     0.7    0   0   0   0   1   2   2   3   0    3
     0.8   -1  -1  -1  -1   0   1   1   2  -1    2
     0.9   -5  -5  -5  -5  -4  -3  -3  -2  -4    0
     0.95  -2  -2  -2  -2  -1   0   0   1   0    0
     0.99   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0    0
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin4-2/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=T), calcPerfBySCG("bin4-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=T)) 
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6    0   0   0   0   1   2   2   3   0    3
     0.7    0   0   0   0   1   2   2   3   0    3
     0.8    0   0   0   0   1   2   2   3   0    3
     0.9    0   0   0   0   1   2   2   3   0    3
     0.95   0   0   0   0   1   2   2   3   0    3
     0.99  -2  -2  -2  -2  -1   1   0   2  -1    2
There was not much improvement in lower bottom region, but when ignoring strain level contamination, it still improves. So it's research's decision which one to choose. Here we will stop at bin4-1. And here is the final result.

> printPerf(list(calcPerfBySCG("bin4-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=T)),rec=c(seq(.1,.9,.1),.95), prec=c(seq(.6,.9,.1),.95,.99))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0.6  176 176 157 140 119 104  84  56  31   11
     0.7  176 176 157 140 119 104  84  56  31   11
     0.8  176 176 157 140 119 104  84  56  31   11
     0.9  176 176 157 140 119 104  84  56  31   11
     0.95 173 173 154 137 116 102  82  54  31   11
     0.99 136 136 117 101  83  71  56  32  17    6

CASE 2: When It Needs More Specificity

The second case is that when there are only a few samples (in this case 9) or the community structure is highly complex.

metabat -i assembly.fa.gz -a depth.txt -o bin1/Bin --saveTNF saved_2500.tnf --saveDistance saved_2500.dist -v
checkm lineage_wf -f bin1/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin1/ bin1/SCG
> printPerf(list(calcPerfBySCG("bin1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)),rec=c(seq(.1,.9,.1),.95), prec=c(seq(0,.9,.1),.95,.99))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0    908 908 799 703 620 530 435 337 210  102
     0.1  870 870 761 665 582 492 398 300 175   74
     0.2  866 866 757 661 578 488 394 296 171   72
     0.3  857 857 748 652 569 479 385 288 165   67
     0.4  850 850 741 645 562 472 378 282 161   66
     0.5  832 832 723 627 544 454 360 267 153   61
     0.6  813 813 704 608 525 435 342 253 144   57
     0.7  781 781 672 576 493 403 316 233 134   52
     0.8  738 738 630 534 451 366 287 215 125   49
     0.9  639 639 531 438 361 283 215 161  90   34
     0.95 470 470 373 292 227 170 119  88  47   18
     0.99 223 223 150  94  64  34  16  13   9    3
There are a lot of bins which have very low precision. We should consider more specific options, but both '--specific' and '--veryspecific' would be the same as the default '--sensitive' unless correlation binning was used. In this case, we have only 9 samples so by default it was not applied (it requires >= 10 samples by default for the correlation binning for small contigs). So we should consider '--superspecific' mode.

metabat -i assembly.fa.gz -a depth.txt -o bin2/Bin --saveTNF saved_2500.tnf --saveDistance saved_2500.dist -v --superspecific
checkm lineage_wf -f bin2/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin2/ bin2/SCG
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin2/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0    149 149 117  67  42  17 -17 -25 -57  -29
     0.1  177 177 145  95  70  45  10   2 -30   -8
     0.2  180 180 148  98  73  48  13   5 -27   -7
     0.3  178 178 146  96  71  46  12   3 -27   -7
     0.4  181 181 149  99  74  49  16   6 -25   -7
     0.5  193 193 161 111  86  62  29  17 -19   -3
     0.6  197 197 165 115  90  66  33  20 -17   -4
     0.7  207 207 175 125 100  76  41  27 -14   -4
     0.8  207 207 174 124 100  73  39  17 -14   -4
     0.9  194 194 163 116  96  73  49  30   1    4
     0.95 176 176 142  95  83  63  41  28  10    6
     0.99  69  69  41  24  22  18  14   9   2   -1
There were significant improvement in precision (see the large positive numbers in bottom left). However, we need to improve more sensitivity. So we will consider ensemble binning.

metabat -i assembly.fa.gz -a depth.txt -o bin3/Bin --saveTNF saved_2500.tnf --saveDistance saved_2500.dist -v --superspecific -B 20 --keep
checkm lineage_wf -f bin3/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin3/ bin3/SCG
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin3/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin2/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F))
Precision  0.1  0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0     -75  -75 -21  31  36  53  77  77  63   26
     0.1   -80  -80 -26  26  31  49  73  73  58   20
     0.2   -82  -82 -28  24  29  47  71  71  56   19
     0.3   -77  -77 -23  29  34  52  75  75  57   22
     0.4   -80  -80 -26  26  31  49  71  72  55   20
     0.5   -84  -84 -30  22  27  44  66  69  52   18
     0.6   -94  -94 -40  12  17  34  55  58  42   14
     0.7   -98  -98 -44   8  13  31  50  52  38   14
     0.8   -92  -92 -38  14  19  37  50  56  36    9
     0.9   -90  -90 -37  15  16  33  35  37  23    7
     0.95 -101 -101 -47   0  -5  11  16  18  18    6
     0.99  -66  -66 -24   0 -14  -6  -4  -8  -2    0
There was significant improvement in sensitivity. Now we may consider further improvement by lowering '--pB' option.

metabat -i assembly.fa.gz -a depth.txt -o bin3-1/Bin --saveTNF saved_2500.tnf --saveDistance saved_2500.dist -v --superspecific -B 20 --keep --pB 20
checkm lineage_wf -f bin3-1/CheckM.txt -t 8 -x fa bin3-1/ bin3-1/SCG
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin3-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F), calcPerfBySCG("bin3/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F))
Precision  0.1  0.2  0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0     -53  -53  -51 -33  -9  -5   3   8  38   25
     0.1   -62  -62  -60 -42 -18 -15  -6  -1  30   20
     0.2   -65  -65  -63 -45 -21 -18  -9  -4  27   19
     0.3   -69  -69  -67 -49 -25 -22 -13  -8  24   16
     0.4   -71  -71  -69 -51 -27 -24 -15 -10  22   14
     0.5   -74  -74  -72 -54 -30 -27 -18 -14  17   11
     0.6   -70  -70  -68 -50 -26 -23 -13 -10  18   13
     0.7   -69  -69  -67 -49 -25 -23 -13  -6  18   11
     0.8   -83  -83  -81 -63 -39 -35 -24 -15   7    8
     0.9  -105 -105 -101 -84 -61 -55 -42 -32  -3   -2
     0.95  -96  -96  -95 -78 -59 -54 -37 -28 -12   -3
     0.99  -39  -39  -38 -30 -16 -12  -9  -4  -2    0
> diffPerf(calcPerfBySCG("bin3-1/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=T), calcPerfBySCG("bin3/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=T))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0    -53 -53 -51 -33  -9  -5   3   8  38   25
     0.1  -59 -59 -57 -39 -15 -12  -3   2  33   21
     0.2  -59 -59 -57 -39 -15 -12  -3   2  33   23
     0.3  -59 -59 -57 -39 -15 -12  -3   2  34   22
     0.4  -61 -61 -59 -41 -17 -14  -5   0  31   20
     0.5  -70 -70 -68 -50 -26 -23 -14  -8  24   15
     0.6  -63 -63 -61 -43 -19 -16  -6  -3  28   18
     0.7  -66 -66 -64 -46 -22 -19 -10  -7  22   18
     0.8  -68 -68 -66 -48 -24 -22 -10  -4  21   17
     0.9  -83 -83 -80 -63 -40 -34 -24 -12  13   13
     0.95 -88 -88 -85 -65 -42 -39 -28 -17   6    8
     0.99 -53 -53 -54 -41 -26 -22 -12  -6   9    6
It further improved sensitivity at some cost of specificity. However, as shown in the second table, many of contamination is strain level. So it depends on goal what to choose. We will stop at bin3. The final result would be as follows:

> printPerf(list(calcPerfBySCG("bin3/CheckM.txt", removeStrain=F)),rec=c(seq(.1,.9,.1),.95), prec=c(seq(0,.9,.1),.95,.99))
Precision 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
     0    982 982 895 801 698 600 495 389 216   99
     0.1  967 967 880 786 683 586 481 375 203   86
     0.2  964 964 877 783 680 583 478 372 200   84
     0.3  958 958 871 777 674 577 472 366 195   82
     0.4  951 951 864 770 667 570 465 360 191   79
     0.5  941 941 854 760 657 560 455 353 186   76
     0.6  916 916 829 735 632 535 430 331 169   67
     0.7  890 890 803 709 606 510 407 312 158   62
     0.8  853 853 766 672 570 476 376 288 147   54
     0.9  743 743 657 569 473 389 299 228 114   45
     0.95 545 545 468 387 305 244 176 134  75   30
     0.99 226 226 167 118  72  46  26  14   9    2
