Ignore a trailing slash on GASNET

Issue #10 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

Currently passing a directory name to $GASNET fails in a confusing manner if there is a trailing slash:

 rm -Rf .nobs ; export GASNET=/home/bonachea/UPC/bupcr-ex/dbg/upcxx/gasnet/ DBGSYM=1 OPTLEV=0 ; nobs exe test/dist_object.cpp                    
*** Something FAILED! ***
Non-existent path for GASNET=/home/bonachea/UPC/bupcr-ex/dbg/upcxx/gasnet/

bonachea@Helios ~/UPC/upcxx
$ rm -Rf .nobs ; export GASNET=/home/bonachea/UPC/bupcr-ex/dbg/upcxx/gasnet DBGSYM=1 OPTLEV=0 ; nobs exe test/dist_object.cpp  

Would be less surprising if nobs was smart enough to strip the trailing slash.

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Fixed issue 10: https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/upcxx/issues/10/ignore-a-trailing-slash-on-gasnet Trailing slash on GASNET path was messing up case-insensitive systems (OS X).

    Addressed some of issue 11: https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/upcxx/issues/11/new-install-command-does-not-work Gasnet install trees are used where they are instead of being partially copied into upcxx's install location.

    → <<cset f441bf34ad33>>

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