upcxx-run rejects valid GASNET_MAX_SEGSIZE

Issue #114 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

upcxx-run is currently rejecting GASNET_MAX_SEGSIZE of the form "%dKB" "%dMB" "%dGB" (ie with a trailing "B"), even though GASNet handles these just fine:

$ env GASNET_MAX_SEGSIZE=500M upcxx-run -n 2 hostname 
Hello world from rank 0: pcp-d-5
Hello world from rank 1: pcp-d-6

$ env GASNET_MAX_SEGSIZE=500MB upcxx-run -n 2 hostname
usage: upcxx-run [-h] [-n NUM] [-shared-heap HEAPSZ] [-backtrace] [-show] [-info] [-ssh-servers HOSTS] [-localhost] [-v] [-vv]
                 command ...

Error: GASNET_MAX_SEGSIZE setting is wrong. It must be an integer, with a suffix of K, M or G

$ env GASNET_MAX_SEGSIZE=500MB gasnetrun_ibv -n 2 ./hostname
Hello world from rank 0: pcp-d-5
Hello world from rank 1: pcp-d-6

The HEAPSZ_UNITS logic that is already applied to -shared-heap needs also be applied to parsing $GASNET_MAX_SEGSIZE

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