Bug in promise completion support for non-fetching binary atomic domain ops

Issue #177 resolved
Scott Baden created an issue

When compiling the amo version of gups, this line of code generates the attached error

ad_ui64.bit_xor(ldirectory[targ]+offs, ran[j], memory_order_relaxed, upcxx::operation_cx::as_promise(amos_done));

This error log occurs on Cori-KNL, but I've also observed it on Kotten

Comments (4)

  1. Dan Bonachea

    Scott - thanks for finding this.

    Proposed solution in pull request #55

    Unfortunately it appears this is a pretty serious regression in the 2018.9.0 release. We should consider whether it makes sense to do a patch release.

  2. Dan Bonachea

    fix issue #177: Completion broken for non-fetching binary AMOs

    This fixes a think-o in the implementation of UPC++ atomic_domain binary non-fetching operations that causes compile errors on all forms of completion, making them effectively unusable.

    → <<cset 6270df902868>>

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