CMake Installation -- FindUPCXX.cmake vs. UPCXXConfig.cmake

Issue #282 resolved
Jonathan Madsen created an issue

I am wondering why UPC++ installs both a FindUPCXX.cmake and UPCXXConfig.cmake. I realize that UPCXXConfig.cmake just contains: include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindUPCXX.cmake). Standard CMake practices are such that a package that installs via CMake, provides a <PackageName>Config.cmake (or <PackageName>-config.cmake) for find_package(<PackageName>) and a package that does not use CMake uses a Find<PackageName>.cmake. And the default CMake behavior is to search for both Find<PackageName>.cmake and <PackageName>Config.cmake so, at a minimum, providing both is redundant.

However, if you read the details of find_package in the CMake documentation, you will find there exist an options for find_package(<PackageName> MODULE) and a CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG variable that allow for specification for whether the Find<PackageName>.cmake and <PackageName>Config.cmake are preferred (or exclusively searched for) so, by providing both, the UPC++ installation at both is seemingly making it slightly more complicated for a package to provide it’s own FindUPCXX.cmake, if so desired, without any clear reason, e.g.:

If a package provided it’s own FindUPCXX.cmake, this would find the UPC++ installed version instead of their own:

# ...
find_package(UPCXX MODULE)

while this would find their own:

# ...
find_package(UPCXX MODULE)

but a project may have a reason for keeping the ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} before their local module file and there is nothing can be done in this situation except something like:

# temporarily change to work-around UPC++
find_package(UPCXX MODULE)
# revert to desired setup

Comments (6)

  1. Mathias Jacquelin

    @Jonathan Madsen , I would like to thank you for your observation. I chose to do it this way because I had originally written a FindUPCXX.cmake file and realized that I also needed a `UPCXXConfig.cmake` file to distribute UPC++ properly. I was unfortunately unaware of the implications that you mention. I propose that we address this issue in the next release by putting the content of the FindUPCXX.cmake file directly into the UPCXXConfig.cmake and discard the FindUPCXX.cmake file.

    Thank you very much for bringing up the issue.

  2. Jonathan Madsen reporter

    Yea no problem, I am re-working the CMake for a project that uses UPCXX and noticed it. I have written a fair share of cmake build systems so I suggested a couple of potential improvements in the PR. The only key one there would be the bit about the target_compile_options(UPCXX::upcxx INTERFACE $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:${UPCXX_COMPILE_OPTIONS}>) because that ensures targets that include C code don’t get passed C++ compiler flags if it links to UPCXX::upcxx

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