site-specific documentation for summit

Issue #320 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

Using UPC++ on Summit can be challenging, because this system is a "special snowflake" in various non-meaningful but annoying ways.

We should add some site-specific docs somewhere (probably on our wiki) to clue users in to at least the following:

  • module use /gpfs/alpine/world-shared/csc296/summit/modulefiles to get the installs we maintain. These ideally would be in the default module path, but sadly are not.
  • module load pgi-cxx14/default to get a libstdc++ for PGI compiler that is C++11 compliant (the default is horribly broken)
  • Some notes about NUMA-ness, multi-rail and the recommended way to spawn jobs

Comments (4)

  1. Paul Hargrove

    We already have a public wiki document I generated for last quarter's tutorials:
    That is linked from the files for both NERSC tutorials in in upcxx-extras, but not yet from any other places I am aware of.

    I plan to add PGI and NUMA/multi-rail information requested to that document, as opposed to creating a new one.
    Additionally, I'll seek an appropriate place to like to that document from the

  2. Paul Hargrove

    I have begun revisions to the document in the wiki of my own fork:
    So far I've only tweaked the intro and updated the Cori information to include PrgEnv-cray.

    Unfortunately there is no facility for pull requests of wiki content.
    I'll indicate in this issue when the document in my fork's wiki is ready for review.
    I am open to suggestions as to how the review can best be accomplished.


    • Add PGI use example to Summit section, including the module load pgi-cxx14 incantation.
    • Add Summit-specific info about NUMA/multirail and any spawn instructions beyond use of upcxx-run. Hopefully this can be accomplished by reference to the center's examples for OpenMP (or just MPI when upc++ job is single-threaded).
    • Update "2019.9.0" to "2020.3.0" in every instance
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