document MPI interop "best practices"

Issue #46 resolved
Paul Hargrove created an issue

In a previous meeting I promised to provide an adaptation of the Berkeley UPC recommendations for interoperability of UPC with MPI. Those recommendations are, with suitable edits, applicable to any GASNet-based runtime interoperating with MPI.

This issue is intended to hold me to my promise 😁

Unless I am given specific instructions to the contrary, I plan to write either plain text or Markdown and commit as a new file in the docs/ directory. I will use a Pull Request to collect and respond to feedback before merging to the development branch.

Comments (3)

  1. Paul Hargrove reporter

    To ease collection of feedback, I have drafted this documentation in Google Docs and given Comment permissions to the Pagoda group. Once the text is stable I'll convert to Markdown and file a PR for it's inclusion.

    cc: @bonachea

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