install should populate version.git

Issue #514 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

UPC++ library build (bld/Makefile) currently includes logic to set -DUPCXXI_GIT_VERSION=... when building from a git clone, embedding version information as an ident string into the library file.

utils/ has logic to find and display the contents of $prefix/share/doc/upcxx/docs/version.git as part of upcxx --version. However, nothing in the current build/install process populates this file; AFAIK currently only pushbuild populates this file.

This is a request to have make install also populate version.git in the install tree when installing from source in a git clone, so that installs from git clones correctly report the git hash in upcxx --version

Comments (2)

  1. Paul Hargrove

    Install version.git when building from a git clone

    This commit resolves issue #514 by augmenting the installation script with logic to generate a version.git (containing git describe output) when the source tree appears to be under git version control.

    → <<cset b163291e5808>>

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