Determine/document support for PrgEnv-{amd,aocc}

Issue #525 resolved
Paul Hargrove created an issue

The AMD variant of the Clang compilers is non part of the Cray Programming Environment on some HPE Cray EX systems. If I am understanding correctly, PrgEnv-amd is used to denote a combination of the C/C++ compilers from AMD and the ROCm software stack. Thus this is only present on systems with AMD GPUs (such as Spock and Crusher). Meanwhile, on systems such as Perlmutter with non-AMD GPUs, the C/C++ compilers are part of PrgEnv-aocc ("aocc" == "AMD Optimizing C/C++ and Fortran Compilers").

Regardless of the naming of the PrgEnv, we do not currently claim to support these C/C++ compilers. The importance of these compilers on HPE Cray EX systems means we should consider adding them to our supported list.

The first step is to get them into our CI (both PR testing via GitLab, and nightly regression testing). I believe I can meet both of those goals using Perlmutter.

I have optimistically assigned this issue to the 2022.3.0 milestone. However, to meet that target may require a longer history of successful testing than we can achieve in the time remaining.

Comments (5)

  1. Paul Hargrove reporter
    • changed status to open

    I am planning to document these two PrgEnv as supported in the 2023.3.0 release, based on the absence of any PrgEnv-specific issues in our testing history on Spock and Crusher.

  2. Paul Hargrove reporter

    Support AMD and Nvidia PrgEnvs on HPE Cray EX

    This commit updates and utils/ to document support for PrgEnv-{amd,aocc,nvidia,nvhpc} with floor complier versions corresponding to the range we've been able to test. Logic in utils/ issues our standard "has not been validated" message if a too-old compiler is detected.

    Resolves issue #525: Determine/document support for PrgEnv-{amd,aocc} Resolves issue #568: Determine/document support for PrgEnv-{nvidia,nvhpc}

    → <<cset 95af5927ca2b>>

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