Spawner warnings (upcxx-run)

Issue #617 resolved
Scott Baden created an issue

When launching upcxx executables under MacOS Sonoma

I get warnings of the following form

upcxx-run:63: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\s'

These can be resolved via raw strings (see

To wit, on line 63, we replace

'^\s*(\d+)\s*$' by r'^\s*(\d+)\s*$'

and so on at lines 77-79

Comments (1)

  1. Paul Hargrove

    Prevent escape sequence warnings in upcxx-run

    This commit resolves issue #617 regarding warnings from Python 3.12 about unrecognized escape sequences in upcxx-run.

    Starting with Python 3.12, the use of unrecognized backslash escape sequences in string literals yield warnings, and future releases are anticipated to produce errors. Since even before Python 2.7, documentation for re has documented use of "raw strings" as recommended for regular expressions to prevent interpretation of backslash sequences. So, this commit simply puts that recommendation in to practice for each regular expressions which contains the \s and/or \d sequences. Normal strings are notably still used in regular expressions which include \t and \n (tab and newline, respectively) where interpretation of the escape sequence is desired.

    → <<cset 0f95c9e633b2>>

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