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UPC++ Implementation Defined Behavior

This document describes stable features supported by this implementation that go beyond the requirements of the UPC++ Specification, or are specified as implementation-defined behavior.

Version Identification and Compilation Settings

The following macro definitions are provided by upcxx/upcxx.hpp:

  • UPCXX_VERSION: An integer literal providing the release version of the implementation, in the format [YYYY][MM][PP] corresponding to release YYYY.MM.PP
  • UPCXX_SPEC_VERSION: An integer literal providing the revision of the UPC++ specification to which this implementation adheres. See the specification for the specified value.
  • UPCXX_KIND_CUDA: An integer literal providing the version number of the CUDA memory-kind feature to which this implementation adheres, defined only when the library is built with CUDA enabled. See the UPC++ specification for the specified value.
  • UPCXX_KIND_HIP: An integer literal providing the version number of the ROCm/HIP memory-kind feature to which this implementation adheres, defined only when the library is built with ROCm/HIP enabled. See the UPC++ specification for the specified value.
  • UPCXX_KIND_ZE: An integer literal providing the version number of the oneAPI Level Zero (ZE) memory-kind feature to which this implementation adheres, defined only when the library is built with ZE support enabled. See the UPC++ specification for the specified value.

  • UPCXX_THREADMODE: This is either undefined (for the default "seq" threadmode) or defined to an unspecified non-zero integer value for the "par" threadmode. Recommended usage is #if UPCXX_THREADMODE to identify the need for thread-safety constructs, such as locks.

  • UPCXX_CODEMODE: This is either undefined (for the "debug" codemode) or defined to an unspecified non-zero integer value for the "opt" (production) codemode.
  • UPCXX_NETWORK_*: The network being targeted is indicated by a preprocessor identifier with a UPCXX_NETWORK_ prefix followed by the network name in capitals, which is defined to a non-zero integer value. Identifiers corresponding to other networks are undefined. Examples include UPCXX_NETWORK_IBV and UPCXX_NETWORK_ARIES.

Eagerness of Future and Promise Completions

Future and promise completions default to eager notification. Thus:

  • source_cx::as_future() and operation_cx::as_future() are equivalent to source_cx::as_eager_future() and operation_cx::as_eager_future(), respectively
  • source_cx::as_promise(p) and operation_cx::as_promise(p) are equivalent to source_cx::as_eager_promise(p) and operation_cx::as_eager_promise(p), respectively

The default can be changed on a per-translation-unit basis by defining the UPCXX_DEFER_COMPLETION macro prior to including upcxx/upcxx.hpp. Defining the macro to a non-zero value makes the default deferred (so that as_future() and as_promise(p) are equivalent to as_defer_future() and as_defer_promise(p), respectively), while defining it to 0 makes the default eager.

Exceptions thrown from RPC

The communication functions upcxx::rpc and upcxx::rpc_ff may throw exceptions. The exceptions may be thrown on the initiating thread before or after serialization of the function arguments. In all other ways, a call throwing such an exception is effectively "canceled" -- it will not lead to invocation of the function object at the target, nor will it deliver any event notifications (for example, a promise passed using an as_promise() completion will remain unchanged by the exceptional call).

Starting in 2021.9.0, resource exhaustion while trying to inject an RPC will throw a upcxx::bad_shared_alloc exception. The what() member function includes information about the shared heap state at the point of failure. In the current release, this should only occur when the RPC payload is somewhat large (over a few KiB) and the shared heap on the initiating process fails to allocate a temporary buffer large enough to hold the serialized RPC. In releases prior to 2021.9.0, such conditions led to an immediate fatal error.

Starting in 2022.3.0, attempting to make a cross-code segment (CCS) RPC call into an unverified segment when CCS segment verification is enabled will throw a upcxx::segment_verification_error. CCS RPC calls are RPC calls which directly invoke functions existing in other executable program segments, such as dynamic libraries. The what() member function includes information about the state of the function pointer relocation tables. Catching this exception may be used to arrange for later collective synchronization of cross-segment function pointer relocation information using upcxx::experimental::relo::verify_all() or upcxx::experimental::relo::verify_segment() when libraries are dlopened asynchronously. See docs/ for more information about the CCS RPC feature.

Simplified Device Allocator Management

UPC++ specifies the type upcxx::gpu_default_device which is an implementation-defined alias for a GPU device type. The binding of that alias is determined as follows:

  1. For the common case where UPC++ is configured for exactly one GPU variety (e.g. --enable-cuda OR --enable-hip OR --enable-ze) then upcxx::gpu_default_device defaults to an alias for that corresponding device type (i.e. upcxx::cuda_device, upcxx::hip_device, upcxx::ze_device).

  2. When no device support is configured, then upcxx::gpu_default_device defaults to an alias for upcxx::cuda_device.

  3. User programs may override this default choice by defining one of the following preprocessor macros to 1 before including upcxx.hpp (these may be set independently per translation unit):

    • UPCXX_GPU_DEFAULT_DEVICE_CUDA=1 makes gpu_default_device an alias for cuda_device
    • UPCXX_GPU_DEFAULT_DEVICE_HIP=1 makes gpu_default_device an alias for hip_device
    • UPCXX_GPU_DEFAULT_DEVICE_ZE=1 makes gpu_default_device an alias for ze_device
  4. For rare cases where UPC++ is configured to support two or more GPU varieties, then upcxx::gpu_default_device will default to aliasing an unspecified device type. Users of such configurations are advised to define one of the two macros described above.

The resulting memory kind can be queried via the gpu_default_device::kind constant. upcxx::make_gpu_allocator() defaults to returning a device_allocator<gpu_default_device>, but this can also be overridden on a call-site basis via template argument.

The upcxx::make_gpu_allocator<Device>(sz,device_id) factory function defaults to device_id = auto_device_id which activates an implementation-defined "smart" choice of valid GPU device when a device ID was not explicitly provided by the caller. That "smart" choice is determined as follows:

  1. If Device::device_n() is zero, there are no valid GPUs at the calling process and the call to upcxx::make_gpu_allocator(sz, auto_device_id) will return an inactive device_allocator (one with no corresponding segment).

  2. If Device::device_n() is one, there is a single valid GPU at the calling process and the call will attempt to construct a device_allocator segment for that GPU.

  3. Otherwise, there are multiple valid GPUs at the calling process. In this case the "smart" choice will cycle through valid IDs with subsequent calls, with a starting point determined from the process rank in local_team(). The resulting device ID can be queried via device_allocator::device_id(). Programs wanting finer-grained control over device selection in multi-GPU environments may override this choice by explicitly passing the device_id argument to upcxx::make_gpu_allocator(sz,device_id).

Assertion Macros

This implementation provides assertion macros to facilitate debugging on distributed systems. Unlike the standard assert() macro, the macros below print a backtrace and/or freeze to allow a debugger to be attached before aborting program execution.

  • UPCXX_ASSERT_ALWAYS(test), UPCXX_ASSERT_ALWAYS(test, message): Evaluates test, and if the result is a false value, outputs message if provided and diagnostic information to standard error, optionally prints a backtrace and/or freezes for debugger, and aborts execution by calling std::abort(). message may be any expression such that std::cerr << message is well-formed; for instance, it may itself include stream-insertion operators (e.g. UPCXX_ASSERT_ALWAYS(x > 5, "error! x = " << x)). message is only evaluated when test produces a false value. If message is not provided, it defaults to a string that includes a textual representation of test. In all cases, this macro expands to an expression with type void.
  • UPCXX_ASSERT(test), UPCXX_ASSERT(test, message): In the "debug" codemode, provides the same behavior as UPCXX_ASSERT_ALWAYS(). In the "opt" codemode, this macro expands to a side-effect-free expression with type void that does not evaluate the arguments.

Experimental Features

Several unspecified, experimental features are implemented in the upcxx::experimental namespace. These include the following:

  • broadcast of Serializable but non-TriviallySerializable values:

    template<typename T, typename Cx=/*unspecified*/>
    RType broadcast_nontrivial(T &&value, intrank_t root, const team &team=world(),
                               Cx &&completions=operation_cx::as_future());
  • reduction of Serializable but non-TriviallySerializable values:

    constexpr /*unspecified*/ op_add;
    constexpr /*unspecified*/ op_mul;
    constexpr /*unspecified*/ op_min;
    constexpr /*unspecified*/ op_max;
    constexpr /*unspecified*/ op_bit_and;
    constexpr /*unspecified*/ op_bit_or;
    constexpr /*unspecified*/ op_bit_xor;
    template <typename T, typename BinaryOp , typename Cx=/*unspecified*/>
    RType reduce_one_nontrivial(T &&value, BinaryOp &&op, intrank_t root,
                                const team &team = world(),
                                Cx &&completions=operation_cx::as_future());
    template <typename T, typename BinaryOp , typename Cx=/*unspecified*/>
    RType reduce_all_nontrivial(T &&value, BinaryOp &&op, const team &team = world(),
                                Cx &&completions=operation_cx::as_future());
  • utilities for reading environment variables:

    template<class T>
    T os_env(const std::string &name);
    template<class T>
    T os_env(const std::string &name, const T &otherwise);
    std::int64_t os_env(const std::string &name, const std::int64_t &otherwise,
                        std::size_t mem_size_multiplier);
  • ostream-like class that prints to a stream with an optional prefix and as much atomicity as possible:

    class say {
      say(std::ostream &output, const char *prefix="[%d] ");
      say(const char *prefix="[%d] ");
      template<typename T>
      say& operator<<(T const &that);

In addition, the implementation provides the following unspecified, experimental macro:

  • variant of upcxx_memberof that can be used on a type T that is either standard-layout (in which case the equivalent, specified upcxx_memberof should be used instead), or for which the compiler conditionally supports offsetof:

    // Macro: function template syntax used for clarity
    template<typename T, memory_kind Kind>
    global_ptr<MType, Kind> upcxx_experimental_memberof_unsafe(
        global_ptr<T, Kind> ptr, member-designator MEMBER

These features are subject to change or removal at any time. If you find any of them useful, please send an email to, and we will consider adding them to the specification proper.

Unspecified Internals

Aside from upcxx::experimental, all other namespaces nested inside of upcxx are intended solely for internal use by the implementation (e.g. upcxx::backend, upcxx::detail). Similarly, all identifiers with the UPCXXI or upcxxi prefix are intended solely for internal use by the implementation. The behavior and existence of all such interfaces and identifiers is subject to change without notice, and as such their use in user code is STRONGLY discouraged.

The UPC++ v1.0 Specification is the canonical authoritative document that specifies all the required and guaranteed behaviors of the UPC++ interface. Users are strongly advised to rely solely on features and behaviors specified by that document, or implementation-defined behaviors outlined in the other sections of this document.

UPCXX_THREADMODE=seq Restrictions

The "seq" build of libupcxx is performance-optimized for single-threaded processes, or for a model where only a single thread per process will ever be invoking interprocess communication via upcxx. The performance gains with respect to the "par" build stem from the removal of internal synchronization (mutexes, atomic memory ops) within the upcxx runtime. Affected upcxx routines will be observed to have lower overhead than their "par" counterparts.

Whereas "par-mode" libupcxx permits the full generality of the UPC++ specification with respect to multi-threading concerns, "seq" imposes these additional restrictions on the client application:

  • Only the thread which invokes upcxx::init() may ever hold the master persona. This thread is regarded as the "primordial" thread.

  • Any upcxx routine with internal or user-progress (typically inter-process communication, e.g. upcxx::rput/rget/rpc/...) must be called from the primordial thread with the master persona at the top of the active persona stack. There are some routines which are excepted from this restriction and are listed below.

  • Shared-heap allocation/deallocation (e.g. upcxx::allocate/deallocate/new_/ new_array/delete_/delete_array) must be called from the primordial thread while holding the master persona. The same applies to device_allocator functions that manipulate a device heap.

Note that these restrictions must be respected by all object files linked into the final executable, as they are all sharing the same libupcxx.

Types of communication that do not experience restriction:

  • Sending LPCs via upcxx::persona::lpc() or <completion>_cx::as_lpc() has no added restriction.

  • upcxx::progress() and upcxx::future::wait() have no added restriction. Incoming RPCs are only processed if progress is called from the primordial thread while it has the master persona.

  • Upcasting/downcasting shared heap memory (e.g. global_ptr::local()) is always OK. This facilitates a kind of interprocess communication via native CPU shared memory access which is permitted in "seq". Note that upcxx::rput/rget is still invalid from non-primordial threads even when the remote memory is downcastable locally.

The legality of lpc and progress from the non-primordial thread permits users to orchestrate their own "funneling" strategy, e.g.:

// How a non-primordial thread can tell the master persona to put an rpc on the
// wire on its behalf.
upcxx::master_persona().lpc_ff([=]() {
  upcxx::rpc_ff(99, [=]() { std::cout << "Initiated from far away."; });

Job layouts and local_team

UPC++ specifies that processes who are members of upcxx::local_team() have the ability to obtain valid "raw" C++ pointers (i.e. T*) referencing shared objects allocated by team members (specifically, global_ptr::is_local() is guaranteed to return true for such objects). In practice, this generally means these processes must be co-located on the same compute node, defined as a set of CPU resources sharing an OS image and coherent physical memory domain.

UPC++ computes upcxx::local_team() membership at startup by examining the job layout of processes across physical nodes. By default, UPC++ attempts to maximize the size of each local team to encompass all processes co-resident on the same compute node (this strategy can be adjusted via GASNet environment variables, but the default is strongly recommended).

The algorithm used to construct upcxx::local_team() membership additionally ensures the following invariant:

  • Processes within a single local team always have consecutive rank indexes in upcxx::world().
  • More formally, for all I in [0, local_team().rank_n() - 1), local_team()[I+1] == local_team()[I] + 1

This invariant is not currently required by the UPC++ specification, but it is maintained by all versions of the LBNL UPC++ v1.0 implementation.
