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upcxx / docs / testing


Before installing UPC++, a simple test can be run to validate that UPC++ is working correctly, given the current configuration and hardware. This can be done by executing:


By default, the tests are run on a single node using the UDP conduit. The default number of ranks is set to a reasonable value, more than 2 and no more than 16 or the number of hardware threads on the system. To specify an alternative number of ranks, set the environment variable RANKS, e.g. to run with 16 ranks, the script can be run as:

RANKS=16 ./run-tests

An alternative conduit can also be used, by setting the CONDUIT environment variable, e.g.

CONDUIT=smp ./run-tests

To see available conduits, run

./run-tests -h

When running on the Cray XC, you must set CROSS to indicate the appropriate network and batch system for your site, and also select the appropriate Cray conduit, e.g.:

CROSS=cray-aries-slurm CONDUIT=aries ./run-tests

When running on an InfiniBand cluster, you'll want to select the InfiniBand conduit, and will likely also need CXX=mpicxx to use MPI for job spawning:

CONDUIT=ibv CXX=mpicxx ./run-tests

The compiler used for the test is chosen according to the following list, in order of decreasing precedence:

  1. Cross-compilation setting (e.g. CROSS=cray-aries-slurm on Cray XC).
  2. User-specified CC and CXX environment variables.
  3. cc and CC when running on Cray XC systems.
  4. gcc and g++.

It is also possible to set the optimization level (-O<level>), debugging symbols (-g) and assertion checking with environment variables. For example, the following will enable optimization and disable debugging and assertions:

DBGSYM=0 ASSERT=0 OPTLEV=3 ./run-tests

DBGSYM and ASSERT can be either 0 or 1, and OPTLEV can be 0, 1, 2 or 3, corresponding to optimization levels. By default, debugging and assertions are on and the optimization level is 0.
