
Clone wiki

upcxx / internal / ReleaseProcedure

  1. Verify that GitLab/pushbuild CI is passing on all supported platforms
    1. Manually run the following non-standard GitLab experiments:
      1. Single-rank CI_RANKS=1
      2. Any high-risk non-default configure options not covered in GitLab, eg
        1. Previous GASNet release: --with-gasnet=
        2. --disable-ccs-rpc
        3. --enable-discontig-ranks
      3. dev-check all the "exhaustive" compiler groupings, to maximize compiler version coverage
      4. dev-check all the c++ standard groups for 14, 17, 20, 23
    2. Any test failures should have corresponding triaged issues, with workarounds whenever possible
  2. Valgrind check for memory leaks in GPU tests on dirac CX5: (not covered by GitLab)
    • configure --enable-valgrind --enable-cuda --enable-hip --with-hip-home=/opt/rocm --with-hip-platform=nvidia
    • Any leaks should be triaged and fixed or annotated as known issues. Currently includes:
      1. test-issue478-*: Issue #536
  3. Update UPCXX_VERSION and UPCXX_SPEC_VERSION definitions in src/version.hpp
    1. should be of the form: YYYYMMPP
    2. Y and M represent numeric year and month of the release
    3. PP = patch number, starting at 0 for a "normal" (ie not hotfix) release
    4. PP should be zero for UPCXX_SPEC_VERSION
  4. Update version info in utils/upcxx-run:load_args()
  5. Update feature macros to match specified value in spec AND impl:
  6. Update GASNet-EX spec version floor in src/backend/gasnet/runtime_internal.hpp and corresponding error message
  7. Update ChangeLog
    1. Review list of commits looking for any user-facing bug-fixes, improvements or breaking changes not represented
    2. Sort issue list by issue number
    3. Ensure that document links for older release sections are updated
    4. Insert excerpt of recent GASNet-EX improvements impacting UPC++
  8. Update configure default URL to point at EX release tarball. This should look like:
    Note the https and host
  9. Commit final guide PDF to docs/guide.pdf:
    1. iworld is our canonical pandoc system for guide publication
    2. validate tech report number and version number on the cover and PDF metadata are correct
    3. guide and spec publication date should NOT be identical, to avoid nondeterministic rendering in publication lists with unstable date sorts, report guide publication date one day earlier if needed.
    4. Post HTML version to a private location and run a W3C link check to validate internal linkage (ignore warnings about "data URIs")
    5. upload to berkeleylab/upcxx downloads area with name like upcxx-guide-2017.9.0.pdf
    6. TAG the guide repo
    7. Advance patch number in upcxx-prog-guide/Makefile
  10. Commit final spec PDF to docs/spec.pdf
    1. validate tech report version number on the cover is correct
    2. validate UPCXX_SPEC_VERSION and the matching version on the cover and PDF metadata
    3. upload to berkeleylab/upcxx downloads area with name like upcxx-spec-2017.9.0.pdf
    4. TAG the spec repo
    5. Advance draft number and append ".dev" suffix on spec master branch in upcxx-spec.tex
  11. Generate source release-candidate tarball (from git working dir)
    1. Run the follow command in the git working directory:
      env REPO=origin BRANCH=develop utils/
    2. Confirm the final output matches the expected version numbers.
    3. Upload this release candidate to a private download area (e.g. private fork with group access)
  12. Email local group to review the release-candidate
  13. Ask an ADMIN to grant you WRITE access to the 'master' branch
  14. Merge to master (updating version below)
    git remote update
    git checkout master
    git pull --ff-only
    git merge --no-ff --no-log -m 'Merge develop for 2017.9.0 release' origin/develop
    (push to a private fork on BitBucket or inspect locally with git log)
    --no-log ensures we don't get spurious issue tracker updates from issues mentioned in the auto-generated log
    git push origin master
  15. Ask an ADMIN to revoke WRITE access to the 'master' branch
  16. TAG master (updating version below)
    git tag -a -m 'UPC++ 2017.9.0 release' upcxx-2017.9.0 master
    git push origin upcxx-2017.9.0
  17. Generate final tarball - must come AFTER the previous step has pushed to remote
    1. Run the follow command in the git working directory
      env REPO=origin BRANCH=master utils/
      Confirm the final output matches the expected version numbers.
    2. Validate the git hash matches the tip of master holding the release tag.
    3. Collect the md5sum for the generated tarball (at end of the output).
    4. Upload the final tarball to (public) berkeleylab/upcxx downloads area.
  18. Download the tarball just uploaded into a different directory.
    1. Run md5sum on the download and verify it matches the checksum from the previous step.
    2. Extract the packaged git hash:
      gzip -cd upcxx-2017.9.0.tar.gz | git get-tar-commit-id
    3. Validate the git hash matches the tip of master holding the release tag.
    4. Unpack the tarball and inspect the contents of and src/version.hpp for correct versioning.
  19. Advance patch version number on develop branch in src/version.hpp
  20. Change configure URL back to on develop
  21. Tag the develop branch to match the new content of src/version.hpp
    git tag -a -m 'tagging YYYY.M.P for development' upcxx-YYYY.M.P develop
  22. Push the previous several steps (substituting the correct version).
    git push origin develop upcxx-YYYY.M.P
  23. Tag the upcxx-extras repo to record the release point: git tag -a -m 'tagging YYYY.M.P for development' upcxx-YYYY.M.P develop
    git push origin upcxx-YYYY.M.P
    1. Consider also merging upcxx-extras develop branch to master, and tagging as upcxx-extras-YYYY.MM.DD
  24. Review and revise the release announcement
  25. Navigate to the wiki and git clone it to your local system
  26. Add any new publications (eg updated spec or guide) to
  27. ~Update the GASNet-EX version table in the wiki~
  28. Update all 3 issue trackers: add this release to Versions, next one to Milestones and as default Milestone
  29. Update NEWS and Download sections of wiki/ with info on the new release download including links, moving old links to a new line in the Previous Releases section
  30. Run the script wiki/internal/ to import the documentation from the release, overwriting the corresponding files in the working copy.
    1. git add any new documents and remove any obsolete ones
    2. Audit the changes before committing to look for information loss.
  31. Push your wiki changes and audit everything on the live page, especially checking for broken links.
    1. Upload new guide HTML to
      1. update the guide.html symlink
      2. add new file to CVS
      3. cvs up this directory and upcxx directory on the backup webservers
    2. Ask Dan to run deadlinkchecker scan on the updated site
    3. Run an W3C link check on the guide to validate internal linkage (ignore warnings about "data URIs")
    4. Run an W3C link check on the FAQ to validate anchor linkage to the guide
    5. Run an W3C link check on INSTALL to validate anchor linkage
  32. Add md5sum of each download (code, guide, spec) to announcement
  33. Send the announcement To:, Bcc: Reply-to:
  34. Ask Dan or Paul to update the SourceForge download mirror
  35. Bug Paul to install on NERSC, Summit, Dirac, Kotten, etc. ...
  36. Email Todd Gamblin and Sameer Shende to request the release cutoff dates for the next Spack + E4S releases
  37. Update this list

Post-release management goop

  1. Generate short URL for the Google Groups announcement
    1. Visit the upcxx-announce googlegroup page
    2. Click on the announcement to view it
    3. Click the 🔽 to the right of the message date (says "More message actions" when you roll over)
    4. Select "🔗 Link"
    5. Copy to your clipboard (Ctrl-C or command-C, as appropriate)
    6. Generate a short URL from this long hairy URL
  2. Attach PDF (not .pptx) of Milestone Highlight Slide as an attachment to Milestone Reports page in Confluence
  3. Update/add section to Milestone Reports page with links to
    1. JIRA entry in the heading
    2. Slide attachment (uploaded a few steps earlier)
    3. Google Groups announcement link
  4. Perform a second upload of the following to JIRA Epic as attachment(s):
    1. Milestone Highlight Slide PDF
    2. Any supporting evidence described in the Execution Plan that is not included inline in the drafted closure text
  5. Finish the JIRA Epic by hitting Workflow > Done
    1. Paste in the drafted Milestone closure text, which should include the Google Groups announcement link
  6. Add links to the Confluence Quarterly Report page below "Accomplishments / Milestones Delivered During This Period". Past quarters show examples.
    1. Using Create Link and Search will let you find the slide PDF uploaded earlier
  7. Update NEWS on top-level Pagoda Confluence page
